We all hate store variants but

You win the internet today…


print to order pretty much, kills spec


It’s funny. JTC moved to a new selling format because fans were always pissed that they couldn’t get his books. So, now he eliminated the supply problem, and my guess is with that, he’s hurt the demand. They were fun to try to get when they were limited and sold out fast. I didn’t always get what I wanted. But, it was more fun. I haven’t ordered any at all since he switched to print to order.

In my opinion, he never should have switched to the new format. Sure, not everyone gets them, but it keeps the demand super high. Now, not so much.

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It was never about the spec. People like his art, they buy it.

And how many Darth Maul covers are out there…??? tons

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Maybe not about spec, but supply and demand surely played a role for me. My last two orders from JTC, I was able to buy enough to sell enough to pay for the ones that stayed in my PC. That no longer works with his books.


Print to order for a limited time is actually great, IMO…because now it’ll be true demand, not FOMO demand.

We always say here buy exclusives because you like them, not to flip. If this turns people off, then they didn’t truly like them for the art enough to begin with.

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And Darth Maul died in Phantom Menace. After that, he was only Maul.

Noticed a certain store is doing a buy three get 4 free variant sale and also sent out a 50% off code in the same email making it seem like they would both work. They didn’t. Seems deceptive.


Creating demand is marketing 101. I don’t think it’s FOMO. Hell, Nintendo and Sony do this really well with limited console releases. If Sony had enough PS5s on day one for everyone who wanted one, they’d sell a lot fewer.


Adam Hughes NYCC Foils


Of the NYCC foils def going to try get the Zatanna 16 and ASM 601.

Agreed. Even with the open window I still missed the Mandalorian and Grogu. And now I have to hit secondary and I really wanted it. Idc about flipping I jus really wanted those covers. Definitely setting an alarm for this one. Need these.

What booth will have the Asm?

every single reprint these stores do is a “mexican foil”…


bottom of the well


Mexican foil? I’m out.


I’m assuming “Mexican Foil” means “basically a bootleg that was reprinted without Marvel’s permission.” Or are these legit?


Pre-ordered a 9.8 of that, will go nicely in my foil collection.

From my understanding, they where releases at La Mole Comic Con in Mexico City. A lot of foil books where released there before they where released here in the US. So I would consider those the OG lol.


Publishers do this monthly with every new issue though… he’s doing nothing new but giving everyone a chance at getting a copy. Demand creates value, not print numbers. If you print a limited amount and then you get retailers and bots gobbling up all the copies before Joe can place his order, you’re now just basing value on false demand because the ones who bought up all the copies are now in control of releasing them (availability).

I applaud JTC for allowing open orders, everyone should have a chance just like everyone has a chance for all comics in Previews monthly.