We all hate store variants but

There’s a bunch of them that sold yesterday. Idk, could be bullshit

i could only afford the trade dress but its a great cover

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Presale if anyone wants it: Bottleneck Gallery

Password: TMNT

$30… LOL


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Lenticulars are a gamble. DC seemed to do them well.,.marvel bombed.

Is the whole comic lenticular? That would be rad

yea, they give demo of it in the link i posted

They clarified it’s 2K total, not 2K raw and 2K graded if that matters to any one

only the cover is lenticular…

oh, he meant interior to, that would cost alot more than 30

yea, Id snatch it up for $30 in a heartbeat if that was the case

2K sold out in 5 minutes? I find that hard to believe even with a bunch sold yesterday…

I call BS on the 2k sell out


How long before they show up on the comic mint page (amongst other online shops).


I can think of much better turtle books to spend this kind of cash on…


Were there limits on the quantity one could order? If not, I bet this happened, too.

Meant to post this earlier. Hopefully the books they need to fill for fully paid customers aren’t part of that

How does one even hold them accountable for that? Are lawyers going through all sales and inventory and verifying past orders get preference over recent auctions?

Doubt it.