We all hate store variants but

Kevin Fields is a drug addict. Selling comics are his drug.

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FOIL !!!

$50 FOIL !!!


The cover art definitely is done all by hand
I mean, one can tell immediately :roll_eyes: :rofl:


If the artist doesn’t post the progress of the art, then I’m assuming AI was used. How can you sell something for $50, but not show proof of work. We live in a different time now.


Foil is everything.
I’m feeling very sad for Metal


I’m good with the open order for that one!

For $50 will pass and totally get the regular

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When in doubt
foil it.


Bags and borbs?

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epic nation are the ones that stole

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gonna add them on whatnot

 good ol’ Epic Nation
Just a great guy. Love when his child yells out 4 letter words in his WhatNot feed.
Epic Class is more like it.
I’ve seen so many go after that dude and him subsequently lose his marbles.
I don’t know what’s going on there or what the heck is happening but there’s an entertaining TV show there somewhere if one is into big time drama.

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heard something bout this earlier but heard no details and there no video

Check out Epic Nation’s Instagram. They talk about it on there. Kind of funny. The owner I guess fired the worker, but the worker is there talking about it while he “packs up his stuff” Clown show.


Skottie young is doing a 2nd print of his transformer variant, a virgin this time, in FOIL


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Arrived the other day. Still the best cover for issue #1, IMO.

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Beneath The Trees Where Nobody Sees #1 Jason Shawn Alexander Variant

Rabbit Comics / Telcomics shared exclusive

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