What shows are you watching?

I started watching, “Big Brother,” with season 14 when my then-girlfriend and now-wife got me into it. The season with the infamous, “Dan’s Funeral.” Amazing television.

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Yeah i watched the live feeds as Dan’s Funeral was happening, absolute inanity. I’m pretty into big brother, watch the live feeds and all the post game aftershows and discussions on RHAP on youtube.

I really feel like there is nothing good on tv worth watching right now. Tried watching Three Body Problems on Netflix and couldn’t get into it. Feel like the strike is having lasting effects.

If you like trashy reality television there are always options, otherwise, you’re kinda screwed for a bit while everyone catches up from the strikes.

The Bad Batch. Has an “Andor” vibe this season…a little slow at times but you know it’s building to the main event.

Like with the first two seasons of the Mandalorian, it’s done a great job with telling stories within individual episodes and character development while moving the plot forward.

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I just started watching the One Piece Live Action Series on Netflix and was pleasantly surprised at just how goddamn good it is!


The live action Avatar The Last Airbender series is pretty good as well. Though I don’t care for the order of the episodes, which varies from the cartoon.


Just finished binge-watching “The Witcher” and now diving into “Stranger Things” for the umpteenth time.


Fallout … I will start this weekend. Reviews look good so far.

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I also have heard many good things and I’m a fan of the video-game so I’m gonna check out the show. Apparently a nails that, “Fallout,” tone of dark humor.

I watched the first episode yesterday … really good. This show has a lot of potential.

whose watching ?


Absolutely … I see 78 hotdogs for Chestnut

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83…and he won

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MJ, Brady, Ruth, Mantle, Gretzky… got nuthin on Chestnut.
That guy is the greatest athlete ever

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He’s just…unbelievable.

Nobody will beat his record

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