Whatnot App

My thoughts on Whatnot… I’ll never sell on there because I have no interest in being an auctioneer, I’ll never buy on there because I don’t have time to sit and wait for a book to come up for sale. I used to attend in person auctions and lose an entire day waiting for a couple lots to come up that I’m interested in, only to have them go too high and you either end up overpaying or leaving empty handed. It works for some people and that’s great, it’s just not for me.


This is precisely why I do not purchase or set up an account with WhatNot.
My time is precious and I don’t need to be sitting there waiting. I have zero patience/tolerance for that within even a hobby that I love.


Does anyone know the backstory/origins of Whatnot and its developers? Throughout my life I’ve seen so many different selling platforms come and go, but I do feel like this one has some incredible support and money backing it.

From varied artists and celebrities to big time sellers and businesses. I was looking at some videos from Megacon today and couldn’t believe the presence/merchandise and advertising they are doing. Soda machines with cans of Whatnot soda, give aways and goodies, displays,flyers, promo spots, etc, etc.
Somebody is making a boat load of money from what it seems to me. I’m just genuinely curious. If the platform fails, it won’t be due to lack of advertising/marketing.

After that experience trying to buy the Kirkham Obi-wan exclusive, I will never use Whatnot again. What a joke. Some douche sits there throwing 60/3,0000 books up with some lame music playing in the background and then you have to sit there after missing out for who knows how long before the fool throws another round up. Wastes everyone’s time, but the seller gets an ego trip to ramble on about nothing with his tool bag music going. F that.

Contrast that with the Mayhew Mandalorian variant. Sale was announced. When it went live I bought my copy. Quick. Done. My time wasn’t wasted and a purchase was made.


I definitely understand your frustration and agree. Having said that, I have also encountered a few very good sellers, and good shows that I felt were handled well (and I got some nice books in the process).

It’s an interesting concept and like I’ve mentioned in previous posts, could really do well (imo) with some tweaks.

What is really odd to me is that you would assume the poor sellers would weed themselves out, but it also seems the opposite. Some of the most popular sellers, and highest viewed shows seem to offer some absolutely junk. I don’t know if it’s just folks wanting to see a pretty face (in a few cases) or buy from a so called “comic social media celebrity”. I just don’t get it. It’s almost like I’m a sucker for punishment as I’ll watch a show sometimes simply to see the absurd money people pay for crappy, filler type books that I could go to any shop in my area and buy for a dollar???

Just a fascinating study in social media, economics, and the human condition to me.

From what I know whatnot was originally for funko pops and pokemon cards but in the last year or so they branched out into other stuff and more and more people flocking to the app and it seems whatnot has spent a ton of money on marketing and now into doing their own exclusives

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@davidbitterbaum Good Job on your sale. I typically can’t tune in to your times. Well run, good books, no nonsense. The way I like em!

I can’t resist a Daredevil Echo book. :slight_smile:

Thanks, man! I hope you enjoy the comic. It was a single comic so I used a Gemini mailer but to try and keep it safe I put it in a Toploader. I am glad you liked the show as I try to be fun and friendly!

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Doing a whatnot sale trying to raise funds to send kids to Cooperstown

Please joins, some stuff you may have seen before

Come by and say hi at least


Called it quits, didn’t have anyone show. Crazy

Will try again tomorrow

I’m sorry the show wasn’t going well. I was busy today with some appointments so I didn’t even have a show myself and was unable to tune in.

I jus talked to a couple other sellers and they said they have been having a lot of the same issues. I know David does well on there, but man, I couldn’t sell a single book.

I do okay lately. I used to do gangbusters but more and more folks selling has made it a bit trickier to stand out. I’m trying really hard to hype my shows on social media and with that little stories feature on Whatnot. I’ve had some good shows and some terrible ones. I’m hoping I can have more good than bad still, though.

Honestly I think it’s the timing. Everyone is at work right now, but around 5-8 EST I don’t see anyone on whatnot with under 20 viewers at any moment.


I specifically tried finding your show and couldn’t?? Not sure when you went live relative to the time of your post though…

How much advanced notice did you give? What platforms did you advertise on?

I gave about a days notice but even then, I do well usually during the day

I saw you were going live, but I was working. I’d have gladly popped in if I could

So just the what not app and then the post above? I’m just wondering how many people that actually reaches.

Then there’s everyone watching their Pennys a lot closer these days…and not a lot of spec excitement. A lot of retreads lately.

Like I said on another thread…before todays Spiderverse news I had not sold a book in over a week…and most weeks I average 5+ Sales.