Where you at?!

General topic sharing what interesting place you’re at today.

Fenway Park.


Cedar Point Ohio


Are they playing in the shadow of the coasters?

They play and then ride the coasters all night.

Ol’ Coach @Anthony doesn’t put the hammer down and enforce a curfew?! :grin:

Not my team. I do spring and fall 12U right now with my younger son and summer baseball (August-September) with Joe. He is in the back row of that picture with his blonde hair and big grin. This was his regular season team and to be honest it was a complete nightmare. They were successful but the head coach was terrible. Joe still first plays for other teams. We drove up to Hershey PA where Joe guest played two games Saturday and then after the games we left around 5 PM to go to Sandusky (home of Callaghan Auto Parts) to play in a week long tournament.

His record on Saturday speaks for itself. (Also they misspelled his name)

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Going to take Gibson to breakfast to celebrate his first birthday. He loves pancakes.


Vacation in Ouray, Colorado and Black Canyon


TRU. Montrèal.


I went and did Airsoft today at a kids birthday party my 11 year old son Sam was invited to. Parents were allowed to play.

Things I learned.

Airsoft is not soft, it hurts worse than paintball. There were people bleeding.

I am old and not a soldier, but damn I lit people up.

I found that if I holed up in a good corner, people would walk by and not notice me and I could get multiple shots off on people before they even knew it.

Airsoft people are intense. They take it like real military. I acted more like I was playing a video game and did well as a result.

Also, it hurts, did I mention that. One of the dads is a cop and he and I got into a shoot out both lighting each other up from about 3 feet away and both have multiple welts.