Woo hoo! I sold it!

I sold my 9.8 graded Catwoman 51 Adam Hughes cover!

Thanks Easter Bunny!

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Very nice. I moved this to the DC category. The For Sale and Trade is for active listings. :wink:

Thanks for the heads up. I always fear posting things like this in the wrong forum and angering someone.



Haha, I only get angry when @Anthony doesn’t put a category on his posts cause he should know better. :wink:


I’m still scarred from the old Usenet days and people acting like the internet police if a for sale post landed in the wrong group.
Ah, the good old days… :wink:

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Those were the good old days… Hey, anyone want to start a CHU IRC Channel? I use to run my own a long time ago for a popular Linux website I was a moderator of. :slight_smile:

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Only if you can guarantee my eyelid won’t start twitching again…

Oh, I got drugs that will help with that… :wink:


Haha the good old days

When I was 15 I dropped the F bomb in a chat room. 2 mins later AOL said “Goodbye!”. Must have been an awkward conversation for my mom to have with the AOL rep to get the account reinstated lol. I’ve behaved ever since.

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