Worst Cover of 2021

But, it’s no longer “Alex”… :cry:

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They should make any new host legally change their name to Alex


:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

David Choe is back


His cowl looks like what my car looks like after it is washed by my 7 year old.


That batman cover real? Its very different

I think the one on the left is actually pretty cool

I think they look bad, haha.


The left cover is just lazy and bad, but wtf is the right cover even supposed to be?

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These are probably just hand drawings by someone like Derek Chew who didn’t have internet at the time to make it all digitally perfect so that consumers get FOMO.

But, I like this:


and this:


Clearly he’s capable of realistic depictions and his styles and medium are a deliberate choice. IT looks like it isn’t landing, though.

I think not everybody makes the jump from fine art or street art to comic covers.


All three of these are miles better than the three DC covers he’s had so far this year, IMO.

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Agreed. Which makes me think there’s something about his process and the comic book cover production process which is losing his appeal during translation. I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.

" In 1996, Choe self-published a graphic novel titled Slow Jams ; he claims to have made only 200 copies and given them away at Comic-Con in 1998, hoping to interest a publisher. In 1999, he submitted Slow Jams for the Xeric Grant and was awarded $5,000 to self-publish a second, expanded edition of 1,000 which came out in 1999 with a cover price of $4."

" In 2005, internet entrepreneur Sean Parker, a longtime fan, asked him to paint graphic sexual murals in the interior of Facebook’s first Silicon Valley office, and in 2007, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg commissioned him to paint somewhat tamer murals for their next office. Although he thought the Facebook business model was “ridiculous and pointless,” Choe chose to receive company stock in lieu of cash payment for the original Facebook murals. His shares were valued at approximately $200 million on the eve of Facebook’s 2012 IPO. Had he held the shares without liquidating them, they’d be worth more than $1.3 billion"



Got a chance to see this Supes cover at my shop and it’s even uglier in real life than the pic shown.


It’s not what comic book fans are used to maybe? I guess I would classify them both as abstract art, especially the Batman on the right. I think they’re kinda cool.

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The art is cool but it’s just not the type of art one expects on comic book covers. In an art gallery, we would probably saying completely different things about the art.

I like the Batman one on the right. The one on the left though looks like someone cosplayed as Batman and rubbed a butter stick all over their helmet.

Well riddle me this: Is that a junkyard Batmobile at the bottom?

See, I like this one. Quite a bit actually. I had it pulled for my file at my LCS. I should hate it, as I don’t usually like things this messy/abstract/wtf. There’s just something about it that I like more and more every time I see it! It’s a keeper!

The Batman ones, not so much. The one on the left looks like a Batman designed ice cream cake that’s melting. The right one, and I can’t be certain, but I think my 2 year old brought that home from arts and crafts time at daycare.

I keep seeing an LP in the one on the left, lol.

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