Worst Cover of 2021

Haha, you posted it. I posted it in the Capt thread earlier and had thought about putting it here. Also, I’m so confused right now, who is this on the cover?

new character

I submit for your consideration a controversial pick. Titan’s ESB 40th anniversary hardcover. This isn’t a submission due to quality, the artist depicted everything masterfully. This is a submission due to content. Why does Vader have two lightsabers? Makes no sense other than symmetry.

I’ve only seen the trilogy dozens of times but I’m pretty sure Vader was always dual wielding lightsabers. Sometimes he had three or four.

Right. It’s where they got the idea for Grievous.

Doesn’t Lucasfilm have to approve everything before release? Or did that end with the sale to Disney?

George Lucas has zero say to my knowledge.

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Lucasfilm still needs to approve, but they approve some dumb shit sometimes.

But Lucasfilm is Disney… yeah, they might say they “operate” outside of Disney but we all know who’s really calling the shots… :wink:

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Ding ding ding. Disney runs this shiz.

If Lucas still had a say the last trilogy would have been very different and maybe even good.


Did you see the prequels, my friend? Not that great, but with some moments. The later sequels were like that too.

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Yeah, maybe… but he did give us the first 3 episodes which were entertaining but not great like episodes 4-6. I think Lucas lost his coolness long ago… some of his “add ons” to 4-6 were kind of pointless and meaningless too… like the whole Cantina alien singing… meh, didn’t need that added.

The more Lucas wanted to go and, “Fix,” things the less enjoyable they got. It’s like he second-guessed himself when he aced the test the first time.

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That is spot on I think… the corrections made later were all… wrong!

I did see the prequels but I can watch them even though they aren’t great. To me they were average but still far above the last trilogy. I just didn’t like them. Rogue One was very good though and thank the maker for Dave Filoni and what he is doing on D+.

Empire Strikes Back is my favorite still… then Rogue One slipped into second place for me…


I can’t argue with that! For me Empire is first followed by the First and then Rogue One for the Top three.

Rogue One is amazing.

On the topic of Lucasfilm “sign-off:” I don’t mean that Lucasfilm has the legal right or authority to overrule Disney, but I mean that Disney likely defers to their judgment.

For example: I work for a commercial real estate developer. We don’t do apartment developments. At least we haven’t in our 100 year history. So, when we creat a company with a partner who specialize in apartments, we defer to their experience and judgment. At least for now until we have our own experience. Similarly, our company has architecture department, financing department, legal department. The board of directors can overrule any of us in those departments, but more often than not they defer to our disciplines as we’re the ones spending all of our time looking at those particular areas.

I’d guess Disney defers to the Star Wars nerds who spend all their time involved in this franchise. Probably similar with Marvel Studios.