Hulk #3 1:25 variant
I can’t stop looking at this cover.
That makes it either a train wreck or something quite gorgeous. My head is spinning
I actually kind of like it but his pectorials look a little weird…
Hulk needs more fiber in his diet.
calf cramp or orgasm — you decide
Looks like Tradd Moore made Luther Strode into the Hulk. Did they print directly from pencils?
There’s just so much bad about this. His shorts turn into pants depending on which leg. His tits and abs look like a ■■■■& balls. I’m also worried about his knee biting me. I can keep going but that’s a god awful cover. I think the topic can be locked because we have a winner.
So we have a penciler, inker, colorist and presumably an editor(??) who didn’t catch Daily was missing its y?
I like this for being different, and well done. It is pretty busy with all the trade dress.
That Sonja is so bad. Her thigh is four times as big as her abdomen.
Yeah, it’s weird but I don’t hate it I guess. It is part of something like 12 issues in 12 weeks, so they probably had to dig deep on the covers.
I actually like the Detective Comics cover. Everything but HQ’s face.
Im sorry, but a parody homage of another parody homage is like the 3rd clone in Multiplicity eating paste.
So it is a parody of how, “Stray Dogs,” did a spoof and it is satirizing, “Department of Truth,” at the same time? Also, the Deadpooh character is a spoof of both Deadpool and Pooh. That makes this a parody of a parody mixed with another parody that already was a combination of two parodies? I think I’m having a brain freeze and I wasn’t even eating ice cream.
I am truly amazed Disney hasn’t gone after the Deadpooh stuff. Also amazed anyone buys it.
Pooh bear is now public domain… muhahahahah!