Worst Covers of 2023

No, they are not intentionally bad, they are just bad…and an insult to collectors… When I meet writers and artists at cons, I ask them to do what I call a “doodle” for me…its a sketch of anything they like…and most writers can’t draw…but not one has ever drawn nonsense like that…on a cover and expected full price for it…artist and writers will doodle for free… .except howard chaiki, whi wanted paying for the doodle…i avoid him at cons now.

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I know this is probably a gun, but is it?!


The true sign of a great artist is when they draw the abstract and one must envision what they really see in the painting/drawing :sob:


All you did was copy a tom king cover, which cover is it…lol…you should be ashamed of yourself…

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I know no shame!

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That guy is an ass. I don’t support him at all. He charged ($50) Larime Taylor for a sketch on a blank we promoted on CHU to raise funds for his wife who needed cancer treatment. I don’t think it went on to make more than $60 or $70 total, so the revenue was much less that went to actual cancer treatment.

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NGL - I enjoyed the TK covers for the joke they were meant to be. I kind of want to get Mitch Gerads to sign and remark one just for the joke.

Larime Taylor is a cool person. I write about their works and loved the zany newest comic, “Sex on Wheels.”

Yeah and Howard Chaykin is an ass for making him pay for his artwork to raise money for cash… All I can say is… karma is a B1tch! It’s gonna come back around one day for that guy…

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Chaikin Said to me when I asked him for a doodle… And I qoute “For you this is a hobby, but to me it’s my living”… so I said in that case I don’t want one, then about 4 hours later he was talking about explicit sexual matters with some fans, While a father had his young daughters with him trying to get a signature, I saw the dad look away disgust and walk off… As did I, I now openly boycott this weirdo.

Off topic I know, especially since he was a great cover artist, one of the best in the 1970’s, but Jim Sterenko had a booth set up at Wizard World a bunch of years ago. He wasn’t selling anything, he was sitting there by himself. No one was going up to him. So I walked up with my program, talked to him for a few minutes, just beaming about his work, and talking about escape artistry. I asked him if he would sign the program under his picture. This was well before charging for autographs at cons, and clear as day that I had numerous signatures on the program that this was not for grading. He said no, he didn’t sign autographs. It was clear I was a fan, and I know he doesn’t owe his fans anything, but the whole experience left me with a bad taste towards him as a person

I’ve heard Steranko is at best intense in-person and at worst a jerk. I’ve heard Byrne is crabby towards fans almost always too and just rude at shows. I hear he is just flat-out mean and makes sure people know he’s not happy to be at a con.

Half the folks who met Neal Adams said he was wonderful and half said he was terrible. I saw him at two shows and he was always really nice to me and other folks around. I appreciate how he fought for creator rights too before that was more of a thing with comic creators having proper recognition and money.

Arthur Syduam is another guy I hear mixed things about. I saw him twice and he was pretty cool even if he likes to make outrageous claims like he invented zombies at Marvel. He helped them blow up in popularity but come on.

Steranko is happy to do so now for $50 a signature, or a whopping $150 for CGC witnessed. Unlike most artists, anything you buy from his table does NOT include his signature, it’s extra. :roll_eyes:

I met him a few years ago (he was $15 at the time) and he was very nice, and credit where it’s due – I appreciate that his signature is actually legible. Some creators’ signatures look like marker damage.

@enabler I guess things changed when money became involved. It was funny because we had a very pleasant talk. But when I asked him to sign the con guide, he seemed indignant.


Similar thing happened to me with Barry Windsor Smith. He was promoting his Opus in a local bookstore. No one, and I mean no one was in the store for him. Not advertised he’d be there except on store front. It was just me… and him… we chatted for a half hour. At the very end I asked for a doodle in the Opus book.
OMG - it was like he got shot out of a cannon after that about unscrupulous fans and and and.
I would have accepted a simple no or I can’t, but “unscrupulous”? Yea “fans” can be. But read the tea leaves Barry. It was for me. I don’t stand there for 1/2 hour chatting with someone who’s work I don’t envy, enjoy, love, etc…


damn man BWS is one my favs too, sad to hear how he can pull a Jekyll & Hyde after talking to him for 30 mins. I guess he doesn’t like tea.

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Is this a placeholder? It can’t be the final art, can it?

This cover is based on Kim Kardashian’s black met gala outfit.

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not these gala ■■■■■■■ covers again

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Hellfire Gala covers are easily enough ignored - it’s not like there are no other covers. I’m not buying them but they’re usually interesting designs.

I find it refreshing to see Marvel create a new tradition, given the constant series reboots.