X-Force 13 Cover A Ghost?

Wolverine 6 should be the book. First full. Closest analogy would be XMen 282-283. Yeah 282 used to be the one but 283 is on the rise as first full.

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X-Force #13 Coello Variant is the one I like the most. With all do respect, I really dislike the covers with the big black bars commemorating people.


Just a scouting report for my areaā€¦only 2 copies of the Wolvering A cover on the rack and about 5-6 of the Ross cover. Only one Coello cover of X-Force and the remaining 4 were all the Beast Ross cover.

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Iā€™ve sold 4 copies of X-Force while I was sleeping $16 + shipping for A covers $12 + shipping for Coello cover

Several Wolverine 6 cover A across the 3 shops I visited today. Last one that I just walked out of probably has 15-20 left on the shelves.

That said, I couldnā€™t find a single copy that didnā€™t have at least one color breaking tick on the back cover/spine so Iā€™m going home empty handed.

Iā€™ll just have to settle for my Timeless variants on this one.


Today I drove to my LCS, which I havenā€™t done this year at all. An hour drive to get there, and was able to get the last two cover Aā€™s of X-Force 13, and the last cover C. There had to be 70 copies of Wolverine 6 left. There isnā€™t really a conversation to be had on Wolverine 6 being first appearance, but as stated many times, a second appearance on the same day AND on the cover, I still believe X-Force cover A will be the long term value. I really think that one hid in the weeds of all the other conversations.

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IMO, Not sure why, after reading both books, people would be passing up Wolverine #6 Cover As at cover price. These will be great as sets in the future. Look at Batman 89 and Year of the Villain:Hell Arisen #3. Neither has Punchline on cover but both are must have books. Batman 89 is a simple cameo, however Wolverine #6 is a full blown first apearance. Also, keep in mind that Marvel is sure to have a subsequent printing of Wolverine #6 with Solem on the cover that will take some of the shine off of X-Force #13 cover A.

They will both get second printings. Like I said, no doubt on Wolverine 6, but X-Force 13 has the first cover. The 2nd, or realistically the 3rd print of Wolverine will probably have him on the cover, and that would be #3 in the list!

Also, not a single copy of X - Force 13 Cover C on shelves in the wild today. Not one.

Just the right balance of supply and demand to have those wiped out first it seems :eyes:

Of noteā€¦Wolverine and X book later prints have been simple color swaps so far.

LCS had just 3 A covers left. Maybe 10 Fortnite. Thatā€™s it.

But, the surprise was Wolverine 6 was already sold out, and while I was there, people kept coming in asking for it. Even the employee was shocked that they were out, as they had ā€œordered a ton.ā€

I went into a LCS today and they had maybe 10 of these. Grabbed 2.

Yes, the 2nd prints have been color swaps. I think most believe a 3rd printing will have Solem on the cover.

Wolverine timeless covers (with color) dried up online super fast over the past couple of days. Only one lcs had any left on the shelf by the time I arrived. Picked up a pretty minty copy for self.

Also have a few from a couple online sources that should arrive in the mail over the next week to 10 days.

Expectations for online orders are always pretty low though :sob:

One LCS I went to in Atlanta had gotten the 1:100 of both Wolverine 6 and X13 so they had a shit ton of both Cover A. Not as many timeless or Cs. But definitely interesting to see others say shops that went light.

That speaks volumes, imo.

Just like BnM, just need to find the right spot with honest people.

As of nowā€¦the Coello cover is the winner in this discussion.
I also noticed that particular cover landed on a Top 10 listā€¦so it will also create a bit more intensity.

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I believe it. Didnā€™t see a single copy of this variant on shelves in the wild.

Iā€™m wondering if 2nd printings of books from the past two weeks that had CB tributes will have the same art as the initial print, just without the CB banner at the top :thinking:

So in this case a 2nd print of this book would be Cover A again but with art that takes up the full page with no tribute to CBā€¦

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Looks like that in the early days. What happened to always betting on Cover A?:rofl: Not a big fan of chasing or averaging up but when a Ebay seller listed copies an hour ago for $6.99 ( or $5.49 when buying 4 or more) I bought another 7 copies to add to stockpile. All the bases are covered with Wolverine #6 Cover A, X-Force #13 Cover A, C, and Unknown exclusives. Just waiting on the Wolverine #6 x printing with Solem on cover. :+1: