X-Men: Children of Atom Spec

Forbidden Planet NYC has cover A (limit 1):

I went with A, 2nd print and some cover C. A seems to be going for $15 on the bay and a recent AC combo of $25. That said, everyone should probably stay away from the spec since with my luck, I just dropped about $100 across multiple stores and it won’t pan out :wink:

That was me. First printing, Feb 2020, had 3 covers.
The close-up of Miles’ face is the second printing from late 2020.

Sold out

I grabbed one and a couple of the 2nd prints from tfaw

TFAW is now sold out of the 2nd print. I would expect the 2nd print to have a low print run.

Missed out on the 2nd print.

Some old articles out there about Marvel’s Voices #1 being the first appearance so I guess not that big of a secret.

Not a secret at all. The cameo was spec’ed on when Marvels Voices #1 came out back in March 2020. With the delay of Children of the Atom #1, most people just forgot about it.

To be fair in March most of us were worrying about a lot of other things.


Yeah, like if we needed to scrub our grocery bags as soon as we got home with soap and water.


Got 2 first prints and 10 second prints, should be good!

Found a 3rd first print in the back issue bin at my LCS! Good condition too!

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I picked up 2 copies of cover a tonight for cover price minus 10% discount.


There’s now only 1 cover A left for sale on eBay UK

So I’m guessing we’re all deciding to list our copies for $100 each to drive up the market value :money_mouth_face: :rofl:

$100? how about $1000?

$25 and a 10 piece nugget meal

1:100 Jim Lee variant for Children of Atom


Anyone else get this from Forbidden Planet?

They are another company that I have tried ordering hot books from but have never successfully completed a transaction with. Always canceled.

Mine shipped from Amazon…and then the second print I ordered from TFAW…I hope I’m good!

Bummer! I just got my shipped notice, but I’d placed two orders to try and skirt the 1x limit and… I’m not sure which order it was (one was just an A the other an A and a 2nd). They haven’t sent me any other emails other than the confirmations for both orders.