Yasmine Putri Cover Spec

Putri covers may just be the flavor of the month, but that’s ok. Let’s organize which covers we know are sellers and which might pop next.

Current hot books:

Warming up a bit:

Not yet hot, but keep an eye out for them in dollar bins:

Here’s her first cover, from what I can tell. April 1, 2015.


That Spider-Gwen is fun!

And it’s a 1:25.

Then again, people don’t seem to care about first covers. I find Jim Lee’s first cover in dollar bins all the time.


Nice post!

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This not only is a Putri…but 1st App of God Emperor Doom. 2 for 1 baby!!


This was the first cover I ever noticed of her work.

It was hot for a little while when there was talk of this team getting their own spin off after Into the Spider-Verse.

Still one of my favorites.

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Not quite as good as Alpha, but if you have Alpha you need Omega.

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These will never be n anyone’s hot list, but she was the main cover artist for No Road Home, and some are pretty cool.

This one slipped by me. Now I have to have it.

And this…

That Vision Avengers one is great. Dollar bins, don’t let me down!

Didn’t realize how many Nightwing covers she did. Not all are winners, but there are a few I’ll keep an eye out for.

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I’ll take a crack at this. Truth and Justice #5

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I always liked this Batman 92 cover. Has several from the Batman Rogues gallery on it, including Punchline (tie for first cover).

Walmart packs were loaded with that Batman 92. I think I have 6 of them from when we cared about Walmart packs.

My favorite…the colors…

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Seems about right. Also have a bunch of the variant cover which features Punchline from those packs.

speaking of Phoenix, she’s been doing the covers on the current run, a couple cool ones w/ Thanos