I’ve head nothing but amazing things about it and it seems to be heating up on ebay for issue 1.
Has anyone read it yet?
I haven’t read it myself yet but I did point it out in my Indie Previews a few months back.
There was also a TFAW exclusive for this one.
TFAW one is one sold out, hope people got in on it.
Funny thing my wife was the one who wanted to get this series just because the covers where amazing. She’s an art freak lol
I picked up a couple of the regular issues just for the covers.
Pretty sure some shops did not receive their copies (but they will).
Really excited for this one. I have the OA from the Schmalke variant and had Lenm do a sketch of the nude variant for me (the original art she did was digital).
Chatted a bit with Damian Connelly about the book last night and he could not be cooler (and the same thing for Joe and Lenm!).
I ordered a bunch, probably too many, of all the different covers
I ordered one of the, “Mature,” variant covers, I recall. A regular cover too, maybe?
Looking forward to reading it - I have a couple of As and Bs in the post. Interesting premise for the story and intriguing art. Cannot find the 1:5 anywhere here in the UK. Shame as that’s a really nice cover too.
I ordered 1 copy of cover A. I grab a copy of all these indie horror titles. Get some gems very now and then.
I ordered like 12 copies a mix of covers. 5 cover As I’m getting 2 1:5s. Already have 2 cover As sold for $25 each.
I noticed that TFAW has updated their orders filled up to this week’s new books. I see that my preorder of You Promised me Darkness was the only one of my preorders not listed as “in process.” So did any of you guys who preordered this book from TFAW before FOC get an “in process” status for cover A or any other covers?
I ordered two copies of the limited edition nudes for you promised me darkness.
That’s partly our fault. It was the ONE comic that came direct from printers (and not from Lunar or Diamond) and in the rush to get everything received with the two late shipments it got missed on the inventory upload. So it does exist and it’s in the warehouse, it will just be sent next week.
Thanks for your alacrity, Brendon. You rule!
They’re starting to list pretty high on ebay now.
I have 42 copies of various covers ordered that hopefully tfaw ships this week!
I got the 1:5 but they all had ripped corners.
I finally got a chance to read it and I definitely thought it was cool.
Quite a few of my issues had some blunted corners
My LCS says that virtually all of their covers have arrived with damage to the top and bottom of the spine. Then I read this…apparently from a guy at Behemoth…