2nd 3rd and 4th printings!

and free bags and boards… I think TFAW charges 25 cents.


How’s their shipping costs on pre orders?

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$5 for once-a-month delivery according to their site. Trying them out for the first time this weekend.

edit: Apparently that $5 is a placeholder until actual shipping costs are determined:

Each time we send you a shipment, we will charge an exact shipping cost based on the shipping address and weight of your order. When you’re going through checkout, you will prepay a portion of your future estimated shipping costs that will be stored in your account as shipping credit. When it comes time to send you a shipment, if you already have enough prepaid shipping credit to cover the shipment, that will be used. If the shipping costs exceed your prepaid shipping credit, the remainder will be charged to you.


Is thier FOC dates accurate unlike TFAW?

They do pre-orders like DCBS. 2 months ahead of time.

But they also list all newly announced FOC books, which DCBS & TFAW is spotty if they are wise enough to list them

I can’t seem to find the transformers #4 second prints.

Looks like they removed them because the time to order them has passed

That’s the one downside with MCS you have to adapt to their timing for FoC. Orders don’t need to be in until tomorrow for Transformers but they sometimes pull them early. Other times I need to remind them to add books that have been pushed back into their ordering system.


Ok then. They lose my business if they’re going to close shop early.

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The deadline for my main LCS to order FOC books from Image, Marvel, DC, and Dark Horse is noon on Saturdays. They send a reminder email each week, so at least they give notice they close shop early to make sure they’ve got everything in.

Call and wake them up at 10PM Monday night. That’s industry standard I was told for FOC’s Monday night. If you wait until Tuesday morning they will not approve ratio’s and such.

Mine is Sunday at 6pm. That’s when they close and don’t re-open until Tuesday at noon.

But I have to actually send them a message or talk to them as they don’t offer any online means of putting in requests…still in the paper age. So that means I have to get them in early this afternoon so they actually see it before closing shop.

I need to speak with the owner why he doesn’t feel the need to join most businesses in the 2020s…I’d even pay in advance if they’d just switch.

They also have a lot of “dead beats” that ask for things but don’t pick up their pull lists…I could hear them leaving messages on answering machines this past Wednesday while I was getting my books.


One LCS here stopped doing pull lists cuz of this reason. They where loosing money. Now if you come from Wed-Sun, you get 30% off whatever issue came that week and you pull them off the racks yourself. There is no holding books or anything like that.

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Yeah, they haven’t updated yet.

I’m waiting to pre-order from them cause a lot of other shops are a little higher on pre-order discount. Midtown has them listed for $4.79 while I think TFAW will likely list them at $4.19 like the regular 4th print they already have listed.

$5 deposit for ongoing titles solves a lot of that. By the time you realize they aren’t coming to get them, you already have 2 or 3 issues in the box and another on order. Sometimes more. Even if you bail on the back end and lose your deposit, if your getting discounts and hung around for at least 5 issues you’ve already gotten more than that back in discount savings.

I just pulled about 30 out of boxes today and only 1 of them appears to be an issue I actually need in stock that isn’t already.

I’ve also got 2 clowns at $70 retail plus $25 or so in Diamond freight sitting here for 3 weeks now the guy swore he’d be in to grab them the day they came in. I need to be more strict on deposits for non comic items as well.


My LCS does 50% deposit on non comic items. And if the item gets cancelled, then you get your $ back

I vary the amount depending on the item but if it gets cancelled at the wholesaler you get all your money back. That’s not an area to try and be profiting on. Now if you’re trying to cancel something after the order that I can’t get out of myself that’s a different situation. Most items after FOC type dates are non-cancellable or have a charge like Entertainment Earth does to cancel them. I posted an example last week, most non comic items are things we make little or no money on that are offered as a perk for shopping with us for other stuff. Hopefully that’s going to change some now with Diamond’s new flat 3% shipping rate if they actually do as advertised. Some of the items like the Gallery Figures from Diamond I suspect we actually lose money selling when Diamond ships them in a box by themselves for $25 to $30 freight charge plus what we paid for them. Then there’s always that one guy who’s throwing a fit that you will not lower the price even more on the one he wants.

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Just confirmed with TFAW that they are not adding the Ultimate Spider-Man #1 4th Print Blank Variant… bummer, I was buying 10 so I’m buying elsewhere…

That sucks… I had added 3 of them.

I don’t get the excitement of a blank cover for that particular book. What would you have an artist draw in it? Spider-Man?

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