Bad Idea

Meanwhile, I’ve heard nothing about the content of their books for 6-8 months.

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The ‘collectible’ rock has been done before. It didn’t hold value.

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It’s really sad. The books have been overall really well done. On top of that, the cover and paper quality is best in class. It’s a shame that the marketing shenanigans have overshadowed the contents. I’ve read almost all of them and enjoyed everything I read.


Is the price point sustainable? I’ve grabbed a couple, and they all seemed to be $6-8.

One of the shops in my area has an absolute ton of these they can’t sell.

Next up, they’ll be doing trades for their very own Bad Idea miracle water… but for $9.95 shipping and handling!

Most of the books have been extra sized with some having two stories. It’s no worse than buying a cardstock variant from DC (and probably a better value)

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Received my Hero Trade Passive Aggressive “Passive” edition from Bad Idea today…after sending them my “Final Five” sticker in August. The comic was very well packaged (including bagged & boarded) and in mint condition.

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I’m glad it arrived safely, but wow, that’s a long turnaround time!


I can’t believe CGC would besmirch their sterling reputation with this silly stunt! I mean, we hold them in such high regard! :wink:


This is the type of shit that makes me want to walk away from this hobby. It’s not even funny at this point…


It is literally an empty case, right? Could you sue for false representation if you show it’s not a supposedly invisible comic? That, or it is in fact magically invisible and infrared would reveal it…

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It would be cool if it was a comic with clear plastic pages.



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My day just got worse because I heard about Bad Idea doing something annoyingly stupid again.


My local shop dropped their books months ago because they were tired of their bs. I dont miss them, plenty of good books to read.


Even invincible books have flaws. Didn’t even get a 10 lol.

Bad Idea is a joke of a company…


It’s like they don’t even care about the artists, writers or books they produce. They are just big kids experimenting with marketing ideas like Taco Bell experiments with food products.


It’s right in the name and it’s got us talking about them again. So their plan is working. I’m just holding their books til they get optioned.