Bad Idea

In an interesting twist, both give me a stomach ache.



Oh, by the way, have been selling Odinn’s Eye #1 for $35 a copy and #2 for $30.

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I don’t remember where I read this but it’s supposedly a clear piece of acetate folded and stapled and then graded.

Charles Soule called and he wants his idea back.

Invisible is the new chromium.

I think bleeding stool had the article, or a link to it.

Pathetic even that couldn’t achieve higher than a 9.8…

I’ll stick to visible comics.

We are going to start selling a new product, ‘air’, it comes raw or graded. You can choose between CGC or CBCS. We ship it extremely protected to ensure none escapes. It will also be part of a signature series we are doing, signed by none other than Stan Lee himself!

Taking preorders now!


I once saw someone sold “Hurricane Andrew” air that was captured in a ziplock bag and it sold on eBay for like $150 or something like that…

I remember when my parents found my invisible Playboy. I got in so much trouble.

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I read this as “I remember when I found my parents in Playboy”…


Why do you think they were so mad! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I responded and they quickly replied…


Hoo boy. Good for you for saying your $1,000 was invisible! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I can’t with these guys, but I appreciate you sharing your interactions.


I wish people would stop defending this company. At this point, these guys are just being asshats…


It’s a symptom of the entire social media algorithm driven culture we now live in.

What people really want in life is substance. They want real relationships with real people in real life that support and edify them. They want quality entertainment that challenges and teaches them or at the very least tickles their brain with something new and interesting and fun. People want quality information about the serious matters that face them in life.

What we are getting instead is content that inflames and incenses. Rather than publishing quality content available for the masses to read and follow, instead Bad Idea keeps distracting the entire comic book community with obnoxious, pretentious PR moves. Whether it’s selling a f&$kin’ rock in exchange for stickers (stupid to begin with) for which l people waited in line for hours over and over again, or selling an “invisible” (actually transparent) piece of plastic and making CGC complicit and further smearing CGC’s name this year, or their public flogging of comic shops skirting Bad Idea’s ridiculous “rules” of distribution, or Bad Idea’s public encouragement if bootlegs selling for 3 figures (seemingly contrary to the prior point of enforcing distribution rules).

After these inflammatory maneuvers, we get a chorus from the community saying “well, it’s working! We’re TALKING about them like they want.” Yeah, sure. Their marketing tactics are working to get people talking. Unfortunately, people aren’t talking about the stories or the art that the creators entrusted to this “publishing company.” For starters, readers can barely get their hands on the issues to begin with because of the whole “only approved retailers can buy and it needs to be the same amount as the amount ordered for issue 1 and also we’re not going to print a trade and also no reprints except oh wait the not first prints will be printed” nonsense. Secondly, everybody’s just talking about EBay resale prices and not a whiff about the stories inside. Finally, all the gimmicks are just pissing local comic shops off and pushing more of them away from carrying the product.

So, yes, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram light up every time a ridiculous stunt like this happens. Unfortunately, the conversation isn’t about Venditti’s pretty awesome catalog of work or the art (of which there is none. I wonder if the artist was ok connecting his name to this stunt). The conversation has quickly turned to criticism of CGC for wasting time on this gimmick. The conversation has turned to NFTs (another false commodity without substance). The conversation has turned to resell price.

I understand that we here are a speculator community, but at some point the value must be connected to something of substance. The conversation has drawn comparisons to high art, but values in that entirely separate world are suspect for entirely different tax-advantageous reasons that are pretty much unknown to all but the ridiculously wealthy.

So, in short. Bad Idea needs to go for the health and legitimacy of the comic collecting community. Yea, these stories draw eyes to our community, but the attention will sour and opinion of the hobby will tarnish.


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100:

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Summarized all this well.


Well if anybody had any doubts that Bad Idea gave a shit about retailers: