Batman 106 vs 108

I really only care about the story generally, as long as the art isnt absolutely terrible. But I agree, Jimenez is doing outstanding work right now.

Welp there’s gonna be a ton of store exclusives for Batman 108 lol

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I think the 1:25 + 1:50’s will be the ones that will be the winners for the long run here

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1:50 or nothing, print run is to big, and she is on all the covers so store exclusives will just be pump and dumps

For a store variant buy a cover because you like it. Wont be worth much as far as spec goes.

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I definitely am buying a couple, but nowhere close the the number I bought for Punchline. I hope most if not all of this characters stick.

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I saw Hell Arisen 3 going for 400 a couple days ago. So you should feel good about that one. Her popularity is cemented at this point and it’s only gonna increase with Tynion getting more and more control at DC. But I’m with you. Cop a couple and see what happens. Won’t be like Hell Arisen 3 simply cuz not only was that book cut with a terribly dull knife so tons of corner damage, but shops didn’t realize her first full app was in that mini series until after Final Order Cut Off and so everyone under ordered. I mean it’s got like a 35k print run which is extremely low by today’s print standards.


I got 3-4 of cover A, 2 1:25, 2 1:50, and 2 of the trade dress Rose Besch exclusive.

OT guys: Saw this on eBay, it’s by Jeehyung Lee, but Google is playing dumb. Anyone knows who’s the retailer for this one? What a sweet cover!

I’d wager that’s about an average print run nowadays. A lot of monthly books sell a lot less than that. A lot less.

its a goldentrashcan book

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Goldenapple/Frankie’s it’s not available yet might go on sale this weekend. But it’s a shared exclusive between those 2 stores and possibly another.

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Thanks Much appreciated SpideyHunter516!!

Daaaaamn there’s a lot of store exclusives for #108. I really like this one though… it’s by Carla Cohen. (via comics Elite)


I’ll just stick with cover A


When there’s a crap ton of store variants, the spec is now dead… and yes, stick to Cover A instead of paying premium for 1 store variant that can fetch you 4 or 5 Cover A’s for the same price. :wink:


Any thoughts on the 1:25? The cover is nice.

There probably be 10k+ of those

Enough is enough how many exclusives can one shop sell for the same book. Once there’s more than one exclusive you can’t call it exclusive anymore.


So glad Punchline didn’t have to deal with all these store exclusives.