Batman 106 vs 108

Yep got to make that money work for you.


Limited to 1MB in size though. So you might have to adjust your default settings for screenshots from phone to make them smaller…


That’s exactly what I did.

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I already did. Look above.

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$180 per sale compared to $21 sounds better to me.


That’s assuming you’re reinvesting into something that triples in value every time. That’s an impossible task and the strategy is flawed.

It just takes time to find something with a good profit margin to flip the key is to having the money ready to go when you see it come up so someone else doesn’t get it before you. If I spend all day scouring for comics online I can find something to make money on in the hundreds everyday. But the other side of the coin is how fast it will take to receive and sell to get that money and profit back in the account.


This a 1000x’s over. Slow shipping definitely gets in the way.

My particular strategy is to start listing at the $15 range. I made a deal with my 14 year old son to handle most of my packaging. So anything that sells for $15 or more is worth the effort.

Until then, the comics sit in a box waiting for that moment to come.

I don’t mess with selling anything that doesn’t sell for at least $15. I just don’t view it as worth my time to do it for anything less. There is definitely a challenge to when to sell. I alway try and balance it like other people have said. In the past weeks I have been buying tons of cheap x-men minor keys and every order I make comes from my PayPal account, which is funded from comic sales. If I buy 5 of a hot book I will sell one or 2 to pay for it and keep the other 3 to wait for the potential $100 sale.


I would try to employ a bit more humility in the future, if I were you. It is a virtue. Let’s hope your buy ins aren’t to high. :wink:

You’re assuming too much, as usual. Sale price doesn’t equal profit.
I’m glad your are so proud of yourself. You simply put your money where your mouth is, albeit half heartedly. :+1:

Cover or ratio prices

Care too share what cover price books you are selling for $100+?

I just wanted to share this. You are very proud of yourself, aren’t you, fallenone? I just love how you think I’m standing by waiting for your reply.

The peacock couldn’t wait to know that his majestic feathers, that were on display, had been seen. Lol

My apologies. I didn’t mean to suggest I’m better than any investor. I just don’t like selling for little profit. But more power to you if you can make it work.

Just for the record @jcLu was the one calling you out to show sales, not me.

Absolutely. I just thought I’d let u know.

No worries I just didn’t want to get caught up in that dogfight.

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Who gives two :poop: ?!?!


Agreed, to your comment earlier @BatmanFan I’m thinning down my collection to just batman and anything else that’s a key. I collect Omnibus’s also and the I keep every batman omni, and I buy every Marvel Omni just to flip later.