Batman 106 vs 108

That’s cool. I usually try to get extra for popular new characters. Especially the variants that retailers won’t be ready for. You have to outsmart the retailers these days, which isn’t too hard.

Funny you say this, I’m working on whittling down my collection too.

I don’t know if I should just donate what I don’t want or give them away. Selling is slow.

Only sell when an issue gets hot. Less work, more money and probably would take just as long either way.

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I bought 4 copies of Batman 106 2 CVR A 1 B and 1:25, BRZRKR I went crazy got the CVR A & B plus 1:25 & 1:50 plus store exclusive by SSCO Jay Anacleto.

Did a lot of your spec books hit $100 pre covid? I’d love to see that list. Hell, I’d love to see your sales report from the last few months. Screenshot…or it didn’t happen. :wink:

I’ve lately been selling mostly my Cap america #6 and final crisis 7’s. I always have multiples of something that’s heating. When the stuff I’m buying now matures, I will sell that. Rinse repeat. Have to guess well.

That didn’t answer my question, fallenone.
Did a lot of your spec books hit $100 pre covid?
meaning, did you sell a lot books before covid hit?

Do you have a crystal ball?

No offense, fallen, but you seem to talk a big game but your answers never quite add up, to me. You only sell if a book hits $100. You always have multiples. And you only buy books that shops didn’t go heavy on, therefore, ‘outsmarting’ the shops (like that is an actual thing you can do. PS. It’s not). Id love to see some actual sales, photos, a formal explanation, or actual spec, before anyone should take your hyperbole seriously. It comes off as quite arrogant. I’m curious if that arrogance is justified. No offense intended.:man_shrugging:

There has to be more to it than…

Here’s my sales report from the last 90 days. I’d love to see yours. Please share with us, fallenone.

The C confused me. Then I remembered you’re a neighbor to the North. What are taxes like in Canada when you sell on eBay?

Like Tony, I treat my lil comic hustle like a business. If you’re good, you can get away with little to no taxes.

That like $21 average per sale. No thanks. If could ever figure out out to post pictures on here, I’d send it.

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I’m curious what people mean by treating it “like” a business. Don’t you need to legally set up a business to treat it like a business…so it in fact is a business?

I guess I’m not aware of a “middle ground”…I’m only familiar with it being addition personal income or a separate entity from myself legally.

Trying to learn more about the best way to move forward given impending changes to tax Laws…


This is more recent.


Time is your friend with this hobby. Let all the shops sell out, let all the under-cutters on eBay literally give away their inventory while slaving away packaging sales that they probably barely break even on. Wait for an announcement or a character development and bust out the inventory.

It is very simple to have this hobby pay for itself if you’re patient on when to sell once you have built up enough inventory.


Every book you could of made $10-$20 off it instead your waiting for it to reach $100 your losing profit. You want to sell a book before it becomes a afterthought and goes all the way back down to cover which is way more likely than one of the few books to heat up to $100.


That’s why I buy multiples of 3 if I can sell one right away and cover the other copies and shipping that leaves me with two copies one to keep one to sell if it goes higher. Or sell two copies take a profit and a free copy. Yes sometimes you could of made more but this way your covered at least with a personal copy if the book sky rockets further.


Higher average money per sale is pretty sweet but I don’t care about mine that’s for sure. Sometimes I make $2 and sometimes I make $200. I could definitely benefit from holding some stuff longer though.




I really only started seriously flipping comics this past year. $21k in sales the last 12 months. I’ve been on Ebay for 22 years. Done 1/3 of my lifetime sales on eBay this past year. Being at home during Covid helped that number infinitely lol


Take a screenshot, then hit the picture thingy in the text field.

You can outsmart entrepreneurs but you can’t figure out how to post pictures? :man_shrugging:. Come on, man. :roll_eyes:

Prove me wrong, fallenone.

Too your point, Alana. In theory, you can take that profit and reinvest it to make more profit each week. The $15 profit in week 1, is then $45 in week two. Played right, it’s now $135 in week 3. Exponential profit. Much better than the sit n wait for four years for $95 in profits. There is more than one way to skin a cat. :thinking: