The Gardner? Didn’t he hang out with Adam Warlock back in the 70’s and take care of an infinity gem?
What’s he doing in Batman?
That’s Wes Gardner - after his stint with Warlock he moved on to professional baseball with the Yankess
A lot of collectors dont have pull lists, they just buy key issues after they come out.
Or Gardener?
Lol! Fixed my poor spelling! This character grows stuffs.
Ord Zyonz is pretty awesome, TBH.
Beat me to it with Mr Bloom.
So…Poison Ivy?
That article provides three different spellings!
Holy crap there’s so many people enfuriated with Tynion introducing a character lol just browsing social media so many people are pissed, or people saying she’s a knockoff of the Rose. Who gives a damn about the Rose lol
I honestly would rather him start writing better stories than just keep pumping out new characters every effing issue… let the new characters become popular organically than this fake marketing of getting consumers to buy in just because of a “new first appearance”…
In order to take DC in a new direction, maybe that is route he has to take for the time being.
When a writer starts introducing new characters in (almost) every issue, readers/collectors loose interest.
In the direction of sales short term… yes. For long term, no so much in my opinion. Like @monopolyjackson stated, if all he’s doing is writing in new characters for the sake of writing in new characters to boost sales, he’s already lost me on caring for any of them. I’d rather have great stories over chasing new characters, villains or heroes…
Maybe DC is pushing all of their writers to come up with new characters regularly. It’s kind of the reason why I haven’t purchased a DC book since Yara Flor. I don’t think it’s Tynion based on his other titles.
I like Tynion’s Batman well enough. I like that they are introducing new characters. I get tired of the same old rotation of crazy bat villains.
Probably not entirely Tynion but writing for DC or Marvel where characters firsts are looked and treated differently over indie books that have not created a century of story telling all tied together with many other media properties.