Black Panther 2: Atlantis vs Wakanda

I was supposed to be on Drunken Chat last night but bailed because I had to be up super early today. I will bring these books up next week. I also have the super early first cover appearance of the new Champions.


Is there a list? Thanks !

Using your own personal experience would qualify your statement as anecdotal. You used a personal experience or an isolated example instead of a sound argument or compelling evidence. :man_shrugging:

The book is already hitting a wall, so there couldn’t be too many collectors who truly value the book, imo.


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

Yep, every collectible market needs those who wish to hold the collectible, not just speculators hoping for a flip.

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Yup, sold my copy. But the money is stuck in Payoneer now, which cant be used to pay for ebay purchases. What gives?

If all you are speaking about it is your own personal taste, I would agree with your statement… however, if all you are speaking about is your personal taste, then starting off your post with…

…sure makes it seem like you were trying to prove a point other than telling us what your preference is. It reads as if you are trying to tell us that covers are going to matter more and more (whatever scale you measure ‘more and more’ in?), whether all us ‘vets’ want them to or not (I’ve been collecting for 6 years, am I a ‘vet’?). Healthy markets don’t care what any one individual, regardless of their experience, thinks, or wants. :man_shrugging:

If you really want your point to stick, try using tangible data instead of your anecdotal examples. The latter is moot when engaged in a conversation about real value in a market. :beers:


@jcLu and @locksmithcomics both of you are getting this off-track so I’ll tell you before a mod yells at you that you maybe want to take this conversation to a private message instead of in public. In my own opinion, you both should just agree to disagree and hug.


Agreeing to disagree helps closed minds remain closed. Civil, open dialogue is always better. :man_shrugging:


Design of what MCU Namor will look like…

Did the person taking the 2nd pic take it underwater or something?


Why do they always have Namor, Aquaman, the Deep in green ? Most fish have greyish skin to blend in.

He does have a uniform with silver scales and black

Thats the Supervillain Team-up (Namor) costume right - dark blue ? I dont think he needs to be the Dark Underwater Avenger, but a more logical streamlined costume makes better sense - dont understand also the jewelery ? And it does look like he has feathers on his ankles to fly out of water.

They are trying to make him look Aztec as that’s the direction they are making Atlantis.


Yeah, I thought he looked Polynesian or South American. I’m OK with that - he does look regal and smug like Namor should. Dont like the bike shorts + jewelery costume; would prefer something more streamlined like Olympic swimmers. Hopefully they dont turn him in to a hipster like Aquaman and (most) every other hero now - Flash, Spider-man, etc.

Because they’re not fish per se? :thinking:

A lot of super hero costumes make zero sense. Why is Spider-Man bright red and blue? He sticks out like a really bad sore thumb in New York where most of the buildings are gray or similar shades/tones.

The biggest thing about Namor that will result in either a win or loss with regards to his portrayal is his demeanor in my opinon. They have to capture that arrogance and short fuse nature that really defines him. You mess with him, or his race and you will get an ass kicking–plain and simple. Imperious Rex!!!

For some reason, the comparison of the way Brad Pitt handled Achilles in the movie Troy comes to mind. Just that incredible (and earned) arrogance, cockiness, and smug confidence.

I don’t care what his appearance is, they just have to get that aspect of Namor right.


Exactly. I can care less what the actor looks like, I care about the acting more than looks. Sure it’s great to get someone that resembles what they draw or have drawn for the character in the comics (when it’s based on such things) but the acting, that’s key when it comes to actually acting