Black Winter in Silver Surfer Black #4?

As a petulant Millennial I’m offended.

Nah, I’m good.

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I think I’m a gen x’er but may have missed that illustrious title by a few years of so. I’m not really up on the whole MTV generational labeling these days.

Looks like all the tweets regarding BW and SSB are gone.

Even heroin addicts can be less annoying then the spec crowd since they’re both chasing the dragon and looking for signs of any black puffs of smoke.


I can only imagine why

That is Cates’ modus operandi. Act like a fool in a rage on tweeter, then erase everything when he calms down. Like a petulant child.


Hmmm…he could simply keep quiet, or just ignore the subject. Instead…he had to go off like a child. I had no real thoughts on the man one way or the other. He chose poorly.

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He shouldn’t have mentioned black winter in SSB if he didn’t want people to put 2 and 2 together. And when you look at it REALLY REALLY close, it does have a lot of similarities. Did the artist get in touch with the artist on Thor? Who is to say other than the artists. But Cates isn’t stupid. He knows exactly what he is doing. He is just mad people figured it out so he couldn’t make the masses go into a frenzy on his terms

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the pushing of this book is so stupid, bw is mentioned not showed. period. i know some heavily ordered the book when some first tried to push this story. but that doesnt change reality. bw is not shown in the book. take your hit, learn from it, not to trust that stupid app that always gets things wrong.


So the interior page shows two beings not one, Galactus rises but above him is a different entity, one with three eyes. In Thor 4 Black Winter also has three eyes. That is hard to get around if you are Cates.

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The creator confirms it’s not Black Winter. End of debate.


So who is the guy with three eyes hovering over Galactus? Is it not possible that Cates is pissed because someone saw it? And by your rationale Superior Spider-Man made his first appearance in Daredevil! The creator said so but the market does not! Good to know.

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Hey Topher how’ve you been friend? Good to see you in the forums! :+1:

I’m not being flippant…but I seriously can’t see what people are referring to with this image. I’m also color blind and maybe that is actually creating a difficulty for me.

I just don’t see where the comparison is on the image or what people are referring to?

His artwork is making this attempt like a damned Where’s Waldo book. Identifying 3 circles/shapes in close proximity in Moore’s work is chaotic.

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I think the lesson here is Donny Cates never saw Rise of the Silver Silver because he would know cloud villains don’t go over well and you will have to deal with every cloud being referenced as your character for the rest of your life.

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It’s not Black Winter from the actual person who wrote/created it.

Why would a creator get pissed over that? You clearly can’t accept the fact that SSB4 only mentions Black Winter but he/she/it doesn’t appear, according to the creators.

Debate is over. Until the creators actually admit it’s Black Winter, then it’s not.

The market doesn’t decide anything but value. If the majority of the world claimed the Earth was flat, doesn’t make the world flat. It’s still pretty fc$king round!

Your argument is moot at this point. The very creator claims it’s not Black Winter, so it’s not. Now, if you can get some gullible soul to buy your pump and dump (if that’s your thing), then by all means, good for you. Still doesn’t change the fact it’s not Black Winter. You’d have just as much luck trying to convince a rock on the ground that it’s not a rock…


That’s one of the movies Ryan Reynold’s should have gone back to fix in the timeline in Deadpool 2, just like he did with Green Lantern.

It’s just a really sad pump and dump… on a really piss poor spec. It had a slight chance until the creators said, nope, not Black Winter… move on!


That is clearly a face, three eyes face and when we think about the context it should make us question what is going on there even more. I mean Galactus is right there too!

So testy! Listen you sound like me with the value comment! The point is that there is a three eyed face there and SS is talking about Black Winter, oh and in Thor 4 we see Black Winter…A GUY WITH A THREE EYED FACE!!! Come on man.
And again if you take the creator as his word then you have to take ALL of them by their word and so the first appearance of Superior Spider-man is in Daredevil!