BRZRKR - Keanu Reeves as Writer

Give-a-ways for the forum.


I second this :point_up:, Let’s do it @RipCityGamer

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BRZRKR #1 3rd Print is on tfaw. Go quick. Allocations may occur as announced.


I passed on the 2nd print and I’ll pass on this one. I still need to read #1 to see if the buzz is even worth it.

I liked the first issue. It definitely has promise. I can see if people think the concept has been done before though— The Old Guard comes to mind. I can see how it will translate well into a Netflix movie/show; like others on here, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out it was always going to be a movie/show. Lots of potential different stories revolving around this one character. I am willing to give it a read- for the moment.

Will 3rd printing hit midtown as a preorder?

It’s on Tfaw now. Place ur order than and midtown hedge ur bets.

The Riccardi variant is doing very well without it ever being mentioned anywhere. Crazy prices on eBay.

That’s a shame. It’s selling in the $100 range pre-order.

Boom just put out an allocation report for the 3rd print.

Ya they had already mentioned that it would like be allocated since the print run was already set. I expect most stores to only get a couple.

Just sold a #1 2nd print and a Nightwing 78 for $110 on a bundle on Mercari. Dropped the price down on the Nightwing to make the deal because I have a ton of them. Cannot wait for my other 2nd prints to get here. Crazy stupid awesome time to be a comic seller.

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So, the issues with Mercari were solved successfully I take it??

I thought everyone already knew there were only 10k copies being made and that they would be allocated. :man_shrugging: Wonder what TFAW is going to do with orders that were placed before the restriction. At some point they became limited to 1 copy per account before being sold out.

Man, I was ignorant on Nightwing 78 2nd print. Probably could have grabbed one yesterday for a pittance.

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It is a crazy time to be a comic seller
 Seems like a game of hot potato right now and I just don’t want to get stuck with the potato.


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It’s the BOOM! way now, if they actually allowed retailers to put in their actual pre-orders based on what consumers wanted, we probably wouldn’t see so many additional printings come about. They’ve been doing this shitty tactic since Once & Future #1. They want false demand. They know the word allocation makes speculators and collectors crazy, they know it makes their titles sell out
 and they’ll do the same thing for the next printing

Does it really mean anything if an issue sells out at Diamond?

I dont care about the games. They make a lot of comics I like to read.