Captain Marvel 2 - Movie Rumors

just in time for Kamala to be a mutant. so will the after-credit scene include an X-man? :thinking:

The key question is what will this do to YA1? Not necessarily good news since the make-up of the team will be different.

With all the changes that have happened to the characters I think YA #1 will still see love. All they have to do is name them.

YA! already has characters that have shown up in the MCU. More will follow regardless how they put together an actual team. Still one of the better modern Marvels to have.

Young Avengers #1 has the first appearance of a few third tier characters. I don’t expect to see any movement but down on that book. The only reason it saw any love is because of the MCU appearances of some of the characters.

Young Avengers mid credit scene was bs.

The real scene features…… BEAST !! Monica crosses over into another universe. The X-Men universe…


I have seen so many people who have a hatred for Brie Larson for some random reason saying this movie has to suck and other people saying it will suck for political reasons and other people saying it must be awesome. Putting aside all that extraneous stuff is this a good flick?

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I am so ready for X-men already. Bring it on!




The New York Post, though? They’re more of a tabloid than an actual publication. I remember them having an article about a man accused of stealing cucumbers at a grocery store because he was so well-endowed. On the other hand, I’m seeing a lot of C grades on sites so I dunno.


Correction, he was accused of stealing clothing due to the big bulge in his pants.

We well-endowed men truly do face a lot of struggles. I only hope society can give us some grace.


It will be didficult to overtake Quantamania as one of the worst marvel movies.

I cringe just seeing it available to watch. I pray its (Marvels) at least watchable - my new standard

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I haven’t seen it so who knows but most of the “positive” reviews I have read use adjectives such as “silly” or “joyful” to describe what was seen. Sounds more like how a classic Disney animated feature or musical should be reviewed, not a superhero flick. Anyway, my hopes aren’t high, but that might be a good thing. If I go in expecting raw sewage and only get a mound of garbage, I might consider it a win.


After the third X-Men movie my expectations for, “First Class,” were practically nonexistent. It was really good and I loved it.


I’ll consider it a winning movie if, for once in the last 3 years, I don’t have to hear Kang is coming; Kang is coming.
Although if he does come, I’ll just sick a mound of ants on him and he’ll disappear from the movie.

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NY Post is one of the country’s oldest newspapers if not the oldest. It is only considered a tabloid by some because they choose to run stories that other publications choose to ignore, that get called propaganda or disinformation… until such time as the disinformation is proven to be true in congressional hearings.


Yes, I’ve found they will publish a breaking story before most national newspapers. They definitely take more risks.

They also have catchy headlines, which may be why some think they’re a tabloid.



USA Wins 1-1 is one of my all time favorites.


I should have made it more clear on the mid credit spoiler… its the live action ANIMATED X-MEN universe. Just like we saw Professor X in Doctor Strange 2.


Right so it was a dude in a blue gilly suit, yeah??

no suit. it was CGI