CBCS Pickups

I actually looked into PGX about a year ago. I thought it might not be too bad to have them pressed and graded by PGX…to mostly save time in CBCS turn-around…then send the highest grades into CBCS for a crack and re-grade.

Cost and turn-around time was not worth it. Less cost and time just to have CBCS do it.

Now with basically a 3 year turn-around to press and grade…might actually be cheaper (and faster) option than paying CBCS crazy express costs.

So for a Modern book $44 (includes express grading) plus shipping back and forth….that gets you a PGX press and grade and likely less than 8 week turnaround.

As a comparison, CBCS costs $40 for express pressing,…and it’s still a 40 weeks turnaround. Pay $65 and you are looking at 20 weeks turnaround…just pressing.

So A grade and press with PGX is likely faster t than most pressers,and much faster than express press options with CBCS at a comparable price.


It’s cheaper than that, not counting shipping to pgx which can fluctuate based on insurance and weight.

Here’s my latest invoice to show you just how cheap it is.

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I also enjoy the personalized customer service I get, direct emails from PGX’s manager when my books arrive and get checked in and when they are ready to ship. I can write notes and send them in my package like this last order it’s noted on my invoice to prescreen all. Or if I need something mounted backwards, upside down, etc., they will do it for me. I know you all like to say they sell for less but low grading prices, speed, and being on a first name basis with the company has kept me a customer for almost 5 years now. This order will have a 1st appearance of Jack Russel which I’ll have back before the Halloween special if you sent it to CGC or CBCS you wouldn’t have it back until next Halloween. So what’s worth more a graded book in hand to sell when at its peak or getting that book a year later when everyone has moved on to the next hot thing 40 times over.


how do you like the cases? Book feels protected?
they look like inkjet print outs but I like the fact the new labels have more issue info

You’re right. Was doing my math half asleep.
$14 grading, $14 press, $6 fast pass = $34…not $44.


I have a Batman 423 newsstand I want to have pressed and sent into CBCS (for the PC) but don’t want to see it disappear for 3 years.

It’s not NM…at best probably 9.0…but could be a good test run to compare grading for both companies (because you don’t learn anything sending PGX 9.8s…need to challenge them to be able to legitimately compare back to the other 2).

echoing alana’s sentiments, i think it’s crazy not to use pgx, especially within the current climate of 3rd party grading, which can only be described as “sh&tstorm with a chance of heavy frustration.” (sure, that analogy describes weather, not climate. but still…)
tat’s and prices at pgx are just so much better it’s hard to comprehend when compared to the other guys. and it’s not an inferior product. grading standards are good (definitely no less reliable than whatever drunk people the other guys have grading books), labels and cases look decent. resale value compared to c#g or c@cs is not as bad as it’s made out to be when factoring in timing and cost, as explained by alana.

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All 3 companies grade equivalently to any knowledgeable collector who prides themselves with patience & has decent vision. These 3 companies like to treat it as a mystery and who doesnt like a mystery? Its necessary for their growth and survival.

But at its core its mostly b.s., and the smart ones deep down, know this. Tough to admit because we have serious money tied into this scheme.

In the end, for me, this grading pyramid scheme is about net profit; not competence & accuracy. CGC remains at top for net profit. If it was about competence and accuracy, id be buying the book; not the grade.
Oh wait - we already do that with graded books - now that makes total sense


I grade using Overstreets Grading Definitions. The grading companies do not use Overstreet Grading Definitions. I don’t know what they go by but they overgrade a lot of books if you go by Overstreet.


Nice book! I need to get mine graded!

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First Pinhead though he only appears on the cover and pinup inside.


I don’t see the point of this when it sits for a year, then suddenly goes from grading to encapsulation to shipped in a
Matter of a few days.

What else is there to update?

“Now grader Jimmy Bob is counting pages…now he’s checking for restoration! In about 10 minutes he’ll be entering graders notes into the computer!”


Right? Cool. I can now track my order that hasn’t had the status updated since last Christmas.

Whats the status?!



finally figured out how to diy a slab display for the wall using some simple wood trim from the lumber yard and a power drill.
after much searching, i’ve found this method to be the best mix of affordability, function, aesthetic, and ease of installation.



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You should look into painting your frames. A nice matte black on the the frame with the UFO4 would look slick when layed out among other black frames. :beers: