CGC calling FCBD first full Virus

We need that on a t-shirt… make it happen!

Full, and 2nd, and 3rd appearances … oh my!


Virtually every character’s “First Full Appearance” is the most valuable. Doesn’t seem “made up” to me.

Value doesn’t dictate appearance or appearance type though. That’s what @D-Rog is implying… well, I hope he’s implying.

First Full is just a way to describe the appearance but doesn’t take away the fact that the cameo prior to the first full is still yet an appearance which is the “first appearance”… unless of course something pre-dates that one.

I’m sorry, which book sells the best right now amongst all the 25s, 26s and FCBD, including shop variants and reprints?

It’s too soon to make that argument. lol

For all of history in comics the info in the link has been true…

Yeah, he’s just basing the cameo vs first full around the value argument. Take the value and demand argument out and an appearance is an appearance.

A cameo that pre-dates the first full is the first true appearance because if you ask yourself, “Did Character X show up in Issue #X?” If yes, that’s an appearance. If no, then who the F is that in the issue then? :wink:

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That is subjective because some one will go ad, or preview, industry book, children’s book, newspaper comic strip, novel without pictures, board game piece 1st appearance on you.

And if you want my honest opinion? I think Venom #25 will win out… it’s got another thing going for it? The guy named Codex is also on the same page. You got 2 cameo appearances from two characters that are pretty much the main story currently… Depending on how this all plays out, we’ll just have to wait and see.

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Go collect sucks they won’t post any comment that doesn’t agree with them or praise them.

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If they bought a book for thousands of dollars, and the only research they did was to look at the grading label, that is on the buyer, not the seller/grading co., Imo.


I hear that. When I bought my slabbed early Moon Knight books (I would have loved to buy raw but when it comes to some books, I really do want them problem free and if none are in my general area, I have to resort to online), first thing I did was zoom in on the comics within the slabs. One of them ended up being a 9.2 but I thought it looked better than the 9.4 and a 9.6 books. Plus this saved me hundreds on what I thought was a better looking book despite CGC graded it at.

I agree that cameo and first appearance are interchangeable - they mean the same thing.

I’m strictly talking “First Full.”

Yes. What I’m saying is, essentially if there’s a previous first that was either a cameo or just first appearance, a first full is theoretically still the characters “second appearance” technically speaking… They call it a first full but it’s still their second appearance… First Full is just a way to describe the appearance and it’s not necessarily the characters first appearance… :wink:

@Venomismypassion, @agentpoyo…you guys are just discussing, more or less, arbitrary labels and semantics. There is no universal definition of 1st cameo, 1st full, etc. Each person can, and probably will, have a different opinion, if the situation allows for it. The only thing in this discussion that is not debatable is the 1st appearance, aka the first time we ever see that character in a panel in a comic book story.

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I jus want to say this about the FCBD issue I’d like everyone to say the book is available in YOUR area and at YOUR shop. I hate that general talk of the book is everywhere shit. I’m in NY. @collectorcave in the BX is out. Spiderweb in Yonkers out. Squiggys in New Rochelle out. And good old Midtown in the city(2 boroughs away) has some. But if you dont wanna drive n hr or ride the train for 2. There are no copies in some areas. My shop got a lot. Gave em out. It’s a wrap. If u didnt get 1 NOW you have to order 1. I get the diamond order but what shop/person is doin that?

I’m just backing up what @D-Rog was saying. I’m just claiming an appearance is an appearance. All this talk of first true or what not is that, a description of the appearance. I also try to make sure people don’t claim a true first appearance isn’t based on the book that’s more valuable…


I agree with you and Drogio in this one. An appearance is an appearance 3 panels 1 page 8 pages 20 panels it dont matter u ask was so n so in the issue the answer is yes or no. Not he was in 2 panels.

That was somewhat the point I was making. But mostly how this argument is referring to 26 & FCBD being a first as if the appearance in 25 (including on the cover of the horn and 2nd prints) isn’t relevant. 9/10 times first cameo Plus full = winner over all others. That would be 25 x 2.

Oh, and the cgc label is wrong. It’s not the first distributed appearance. That would be issue 25. CGC fumbled this one.

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