CGC pickups


$46 with free shipping, whenever there is a writters strike I will have to display. Wonder Woman in the picket line wearing high heals, Atom is holding a ballon instead of a sign.


Got a small submission back today. These are the only two worth showing, the others are just quick flips I’m throwing up on eBay.


Congrats on the bump on the UF4. I have to see what issues of Cherry Poptart I have. I bought a run a while back from a guy.

Did you submit with the 9.2 label? Hard to imagine they’d send it back. If you didn’t, does that mean there’s a ghost 9.2 in the census? (I know that’s a general issue)

I periodically send CGC batches of old labels so they can update the census.

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Thanks. I bet your cherry poptarts are worth more now, although I do feel they’re still really undervalued.

We’re still talking comics, right?


Some people actually collect old food and drink. I read about folks who collected vintage Kool-Aid flavors in an article.

Thanks! I’ve been wondering how that works, I have a few books I’d like to resubmit after pressing.

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Np. I like keeping the old labels for the bump shots afterwards.


Are these all pressed and cleaned because there are some huge jumps in grades.

Yep, on some books like the Hulk 180, I was able to reduce foxing which led to bigger bumps.

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I hope you don’t mind me asking but understand if you don’t wanna share too much. I was watching a video about pressing and noticed when the person removed their modern book from the press, the back cover paper’s edge was pressed into the back cover.

Is there a way to avoid that? The paper doesn’t always fit right up to the edge…

You can get closer to the edge if you cut pieces out of the cardstock where the staples are. It really shouldn’t be necessary though. From what I see in the screenshot you posted, it looks like too much pressure may have been applied. You can also see that the pattern from the Teflon was embedded onto the comic cover. Never use Teflon, use SRP paper instead, and be mindful of the pressure. You really don’t need much pressure to get good results.


Thank you for the tips! I appreciate it.

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That is very true… Looking at the photo the comic should be pressed again with less pressure and the results will probably be much better.


I got this off ebay in the high $500 range. Prices are really down. This book is now going for sub-$600 graded 9.8 all day long. I figured while the prices are down, I’d pick up an extra.

I know people think 9.8’s in newsstands are better than direct editions, but this book to me is the absolute perfect book to have the direct edition in. The black costume spidey head instead of the bar code makes this cover so much better, in my opinion. Just some side commentary.


Boom. Another ebay score. I never owned this one and wanted to eventually get it for the PC. Prices are so down. Glad I got out bid last year when I tried for a while to get this one. It paid off in the long run.

I’ve got a couple more books on the way I’ll share when they arrive. Then I’ll take a break because I think I’ll be buying a bunch of stocks soon at a discount in the next few weeks. People are running out of disposable income and cash is king again.


That’s a storyline to definitively read and enjoy Barry Smith’s artwork. Nice pictkup!