CGC pickups

Yeah we had more books “fall off” due to their system issue, so now we have over 60 books we think are over there….crossing my fingers…just over $15k in books that disappeared no big deal…


Have you tried typing in the number in the CGC verification in the home page? Maybe they’re in the system, but they just haven’t linked to your account yet.

It’s possible anyway…

nope - still shows original grade date back in 2005 but no grade - notes and grade are blank.

Sent in 9 books to PGX a week in a half ago sent on a Friday checked in by PGX the following Wednesday return shipping date February 9 with pressing and cleaning prescreen which adds usually 2 weeks. Total turn around time 21 days.


Let us know how they turn out. Maybe need a PGX thread. Why not if they’re pumping out better quality than CGC…?

What books did you submit if you don’t mind me asking?

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Agents of Atlas is a 1:25. I really just went through one box and grabbed 9 books to ship with the Wulf and Batsy which is for someone here on the forum. I ended up putting a book back because I didn’t think it would grade well. Expecting a 9.8 on the clone wars #1


I just sent an order to CGC right before their price change took affect. 46 books in total. I don’t mind waiting but I just hope they don’t fall through any cracks so to speak.

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Bought these last month. Didn’t feel like paying 9.8 prices for the pc.


I have a lot of 9.6 books for the PC, including a UF4.

I’d have to double check, but just about all my 9.8s were books I sent in myself.

Usually I end up buying a 9.8 because I found an unbelievable deal or it’s a book no one else cares about.


Saw this on Instagram. Really not surprised by things like this anymore


are they grading with a blindfold

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Well, maybe the UF#4 that I sent in does have a chance at a 9.8! SCORE!..(maybe)


I thought they asked the customers to grade books now…


Here I thought my 9.2 with 16 or so color breaking spine tics was overgraded. My other thought is WTF is anyone submitting a year old book with that many spine tics to begin with?


Why would ANYONE submit books to CGC with spine tics ???

This seems like a shame post to drive people to CBCS. That dude probably opened up the case and put that book inside…

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In your haste, you glossed over a few key words in that sentence; ‘why would anyone submit a 1 year old book’.

Secondly, why would someone crack open a 9.8 just to put a shittier book in the case for a photo shoot? Unless the 9.8 came back cracked from CGC snd the photographer was upset and then switched out the books for his photo shoot. :man_shrugging:

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To me, the 9.6 vs. 9.8 FMV differential on Moderns is the single largest pyramid scheme in the industry. I’ve seen enough 9.6 re-submissions and then re-re-submissions to realize it’s throwing a dart in many cases. Did someone say three blind mice subjectivity?

But, hey, it is what it is and I’m happy to make exponential profits on my 9.8s for those that collect nothing but 9.8s and give their trust implicitly to the (cough) experts.


I explained myself perfectly. The book CLEARLY has spine tics. Very noticeable ones. Nobody in their right mind would send that book to CGC to get graded.

All my comics are precious 12.0’s…

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