Cheap(ish) Star Wars Spec

Any first appearances in Chewbacca 1 ?@drunkwooky

Dark Horse or Marvel?

Black Krrsantan coming ?


Man I hope so! I just stocked up on Darth Vader 1’s

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A gangster named Jaum, Tyvak, Jaim’s second in command, a street rat teenager named Zarro, her dad Arrax (they are both enslaved miners), and an unnamed cameo by Commander Kai (an imperial officer).

All in all pretty weak, I’d say. They could show up again, but I don’t see a reason why right now.


I actually like Dark Horse’s Chewbacca series as well. Chewies’s dad, wife, chewie’s death. Those are pretty cheap right now.

The Noto art in Marvel’s Chewbacca is nuts, though:

@drunkwooky, Talk to me.

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Um, only my favorite type of first appearances ever, Wookiee first appearances!

  • Chak (Wookiee smuggler who plays a prominent role Legacy 137 years after the Battle of Yavin)(first cover as well)
  • Gumbaeki (Wookiee chieftain)
  • Karniss (Trandoshian slaver who is dead by the end of the arc)
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Do you have any of these in your first appearance lists?

They didn’t come up when I checked.

Not yet. Dumb old day job slows my progress.

Slacker… We’re paying you $0 per hour… We expect better…

@drunkwooky Talk to me.

The wookiepedia had nothing listed for appearances. For $6 for a NM copy figured I’d take a gamble. Synopsis (from wookiepedia) is below:

Journey back nearly two hundred years before the events in A New Hope as Chewbacca relates a story from his youth on Kashyyyk. Determined to prove themselves eligible for the rites of adulthood, Chewie and his young friends venture into the perilous Shadowlands in search of adventure. But they find far more than they bargained for when they stumble upon slaversplotting a raid on the Wookiee village.

The accidental encounter becomes one of Chewie’s most formative experiences—one he wishes hadn’t happened at all!


UPDATED: stupid typos fixed.

Boushh himself, not some Alderaanian princess traipsing about in the deceased’s kit, has only ever made one cameo in comics and that is Star Wars Adventures #13 (vol. 1) from IDW. It looks like War of the Bounty Hunters is prepping his first full appearance.

Not too similar to a recent body.


I dove deep into Hondo Ohnaka’s appearances today. There was a rumor flying around that he appeared in the Star Wars: Tales from the Clone Wars Webcomics Season 1 trade paperback. He does not, though. His page was left out of the print version of the web comic. This is a shot from my copy:

The story on the left is supposed to continue for one more page, but it doesn’t. The next story begins.

Bokku the Hutt makes a first appearance in Darth Vader #12 today, Durge makes his first canon cameo in Doctor Aphra #10.


I think this was featured as the 1st app of Barriss Offee, and this Photo cover getting some bids because of Hayden Christiansen rumors coming back as Darth Vader.

So may be worth the grab if you find cheap.

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The youtubers made this a spec book last week. Expect copies to start disappearing

Seeing if someone can confirm this for me. I got a copy of Darth Vader 25 vol. 2. It is raising in price due to being an early Ahsako Tano appearance in Marvel continuity. I am looking through it now and I see that it also has Quinlan Vos in the center of it. Is this his 1st appearance in Marvel Continuity?

Yeah, it’s Quinlan’s first canon comics appearance. It’s a cameo.

He was mentioned twice in this series before this as well. Once in issue #7 on a list of unaccounted for Jedi in Aurebesh

Then Ferren Barr as potentially surviving Order 66 in issue #17:

Then this cameo as a Vision to Vader in 25:

25 is also the first canon cameo of Yaddle.