Cheap(ish) Star Wars Spec

Shaak-Ti as well?? Cameo in Darth Vader 25?

No, Shaak-Ti’s first canon cameo is Star Wars #9 (2015) (came out September 16, 2015). Darth Vader 25 was December 19, 2018.

Shaak-Ti was also in Mace Windu 1, August 30, 2017.

Thank you for all your Star Wars wisdom!

I’d say trivia, but you’re welcome and thank you for the kind words.

I thought I would share a few Star Wars comics I have been buying recently. I have picked up these up from various sources and videos.

Jedi of the Republic - Mace WIndu 1 - First appearance of Prosset Dibs the Tenth Brother and member of the Inquisitorius - Cover price speculation and a cool looking character. *I wasn’t aware of him until I saw his name mentioned on the Tales from the Darkside Star Wars show which I enjoy each week.
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Darth Vader Vol 2 - 13/14 A little more expensive but still reasonably priced.
First appearance of a Jedi called Ferren Barr. He had an interesting and important role in the post order 66 timeline which could be ripe for a few of the new Disney + shows. Issue 13 may be more of a cameo and 14 Full? Issue 14 is where Prosset Dibs is first called Tenth brother. (If that’s important?)

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Marvel Star Wars (2015) 10 / 11 / 12
And finally one of my favourite new characters since Marvel started doing Star Wars again. Sgt Kreel. I really hope we get to more of him and SCAR squadron. Something about him being a Stormtrooper that can handle a lighstaber like that looks really cool and I really enjoyed his introduction storyline. He is fully in 10 but not called Kreel until 12 I think.
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These are just a few that I have been picking up recently at or around cover price.


Star Wars Adventures 11 coming out next month. 1st appearance of Myra Chimor- a female member of Rogue Squadron led by Luke Skywalker.


True that.

Also, don’t sleep on #10 tomorrow!

It will be the first comic appearance of Zak and Tash Arranda. Cover B will be their first cover appearance.

If Disney ever decides to dust off this old Young Reader’s “Goosebumps in Space” for a horror anthology series either in comics or on Disney+, this could pop.


Just looking back at the Star Wars Comic Releases of 2021

There have been some possible gems released this year that I think will go places and a couple of new chacters that I just like .(As usual, thanks to Drunk Wookys amazing website WookyWiki where i have checked 1st/cameo etc)
Anyway here’s a few I’ve picked up a few extra copies of this year.

Bounty Hunters 13/14 1st Cameo / 1st cover and full appearance of Deathstick. Great looking charcter who has been used a lot this year albeit in fleeting appearances.
War of the Bounty Hunters - Jabba the Hutt 1st Appearance of Deva Lompop - On covers of the 1:25 Coelho / Chang and the 2nd Print - Another Great looking character design who has the added benifit of being as old as balls! Could pop up anywhere from High republic to Imperial era.
Star Wars The High Republic Adventures 8 - 1st appearance of Sav Malagan - I thought the introdution of Sav was really cool and she is connected to Maz Kanata and Qort.
Star Wars The High Republic Trail of Shadows 1 1st Emerick Caphtor and Sian Holt - I’m really enjoying this series and enjoying the dynamic between the 2 leads and the mystery nature of the series.
War of the Bounty Hunters 5 and Crimson Reign 1 look like they might be worth having a few spares of too, and who knows about the new character that looks to be coming in Dr Aphra 18.

There are also a couple of nice Sprouse variant Lucasfilm 50th variant covers - Star Wars 18 with the Rebels crew. War of Bounty Hunters 5 - Ahsoka Tano and Bounty Hunters 17 - Thrawn.

There are plenty of others cadidates out there, has anyone loaded up on any other new Star Wars realeases this year.?


Thanks for the shout out!

The past two weeks I’ve been on a break from website updates during my paternity leave with my second daughter. I’ve been thinking about how much time to dedicate to the sites in 2022. You encouraged me to keep the updates consistently coming.

Your list is pretty spot on. I’d add High Republic 1 and 7 and High Republic Adventures 1, 2, and 6.

I probably have too many issues of each issue you listed above. I have 4 short boxes of Star Wars 2021 surplus in the garage. Hopefully we get some clarity on High Republic tv and movie projects this year and some clarity on Tales of the Jedi and Waititi’s project.


STAR WARS ADVENTURES (2021) #10 COVER B SIMEONE. I buy every copy I see in the wild. Zak and Tash could be used in a show and a lower print book.


STAR WARS ADVENTURES (2021) #7 COVER B. 1st significant Crimson Corsair appearance (couple minor prior appearances).

Crimson Corsair first appeared in 2015 in other media like Deathstick, I feel like that increases chances of either showing up on tv or movie in the near future.


Crimson Corsair is also a particularly interesting character in how he bridges the gap between Clone Wars and sequels. He takes Kix out of a hyperbaric sleep type of situation. Intriguing canon beats to explore there.


I found 3 copies of Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi #1 at my LCS back bin. Wondering if I should buy them at $7 a pop? How sure a thing are they?

Yes, they are going for $35-45 currently on ebay.

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Sold my NM- copy for $35 today.

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40% chance master Arca Jeth, Ulic Qel-Droma and other characters actually show up in a future show.

100% chance you can sell them for quadruple or quintuple that price right now based on market interest.

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Buy the three, sell one to cover the costs of the other two. #freebies

I found one this weekend at a shop for $2. Sold it for $30 about a half hour after I posted it.

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Watching the latest episode of The Book of Boba Fett - Chapter 3 - The Streets of Mos Espa, reminded me of a little known character from the Expanded Universe, now canonized - Bidlo Kwerve.


Bidlo competed against Bib Fortuna for the position of Jabba’s majordomo, but ended up as a victim to Jabba’s rancor. With less than 5 seconds of screen time in RoTJ, Bidlo (well, his skull) was pivotal to Luke defeating Jabba’s rancor in the pit.

His debut action figure was meant to be featured in a recent Haslab project that was unsuccessfully funded. I remain hopeful that an ILM designer has kept his skull in the rancor pit as an easter egg in the TBoBF! :stuck_out_tongue:

So, the Cheap Spec here is Bidlo Kwerve’s first comic appearance: A Decade of Dark Horse #2 (1996).

You can find this comic in dollar bins, and it’ll probably still remain in those bins for a long time more.

While I don’t expect this comic to heat up compared to the comic I shared in my previous post, I love the thrill of finding these obscure speccy’s for my personal collection and hope you do too! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Enjoy! :grinning:


Awesome! Today I learned!


So his skull doesn’t appear in the RotJ comic?