Chu Fantasy Football


I was just looking to see how Marshall feels about that hit and it’s nice to see he’s an advocate for player safety these days. Here’s some of what he had to say:

Montana suffered a bruised sternum, bruised stomach, cracked ribs and a broken hand. That information is on Marshall’s web site. That hit happened on Jan. 20, 1991. Montana didn’t play again until Dec. 28, 1992, more than 23 months later. That was the last game Montana played for the 49ers.

Now that Marshall has experienced the after effects of a NFL career, and is an advocate for player safety and getting the word out about old NFL veterans suffering through physical strife brought on by the game, that hit brings up mixed emotions.

“I feel horrible about it,” Marshall said about the hit and injuring Montana. “But it’s the way I was taught to play the game. My job was to seek and destroy.”

Marshall doesn’t have regrets about the play. If anything, he says if he would have aimed at Montana’s lower back he might have injured him permanently, but he didn’t play the game that way. He had to deliver that hit exactly how he did. That hit helped the Giants beat the 49ers, and New York advanced and beat the Bills in the Super Bowl.

I’m just sorry the guy got hurt," said Marshall, who added that he sees Montana once in a while at autograph signings or other events and always asks how he’s doing.


those were my G-Men growing up!
LT was my favorite player even in his cocaine days lol

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The Jim Burt hit in '86 on Montana was pretty darn impactful as well

Hate the game, not the players!

You should look into the hit that Nick Perry put on Andrew Luck.

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The Packers need to get rid of Carlson. That dude missed a seriously needed FG bad I believe an extra point if I recall correctly. Also, the refs gave the Packers a HORRIBLE spot on what should have been a first down. We should be in the NFCC…

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That game was one of those strange happenings where the Packers played the better game yet still lost. That spot was terrible. You’re absolutely right about that. Long term the pack are going to be really, really tough.

Yes, exactly the point.

Really need a Baltimore win today. We need more people in the city to murder raise the economy

And to raise the awareness of Baltimore CC… perhaps the greatest true comic convention remaining in the country

Yeah it’s good. I haven’t been in years though.

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Baltimore really threw that game away. Their lack of discipline was abysmal.

Wasn’t I saying how Kansas City Comicon is #1? :roll_eyes: :joy:

Just checking to see if anybody is interested in participating this year. Let me know and if we get enough guys I’ll create a league. Thanks, all.

I’ll play.

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Awesome! Let’s see how many other responses we get here.

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As long as it’s free, I’ll play if you need a round number of teams.


Yeah man, free ten man league, yahoo fantasy. That makes three of us. Thanks!

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If we can get more I would be in.

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