Comic Investing/Speculating During A Recession

Stock Market News Today: Fed Forecast Suggests Recession Is Already Here (


Its not.

The job market is still hot. Unemployment claims are low. Stock Market is stagnant.

Isnt Avocado toast a hipster millenial thing? I believe you’re conflating your ageism. :man_facepalming:

I think you misread my post. I am saying the list is a boomers idea of how to combat inflation, and they are only missing the “cut back on avocado toast” on the list to make it the ultimate boomer lecture.

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I was thrown off, perhaps, by the actual list that reads ‘reposition your savings’ & ‘cancel your cable and landline phones’. Those are things only a boomer would have, savings and a landline. :beers:


Yes which adds to the irony, since they are the only ones who thinks everyone else also has landlines still lol

Miles per gallon is the new Miles.


How can the job market be “hot” when real-wages are down substantially?

Employed full time: Median usual weekly real earnings: Wage and salary workers: 25 years and over: Men (LEU0252882500Q) | FRED | St. Louis Fed (

The stock market just had its worst first 2 quarters since 1970.

After Stock Market’s Worst Start in 50 Years, Some See More Pain Ahead - The New York Times (

We are not in a recession yet.

No indicators to say we are.

Stock market became over-inflated last year. Time for a correction.

Call me when -

DOW drops below 25k
S&P drops below 3k
NASDAQ drops below 8k

…then we’ll talk recession.

The “Fed Forecast” (put out by the Fed) is projecting that we already are. What better indicator exists outside of the official confirmation that we’ll get on July 28th?

You’re not far off from my personal projections for the “initial” bottom that I’m expecting.

Dow: 22,000
S&P: 2,800
NASDAQ: 6,800
TSLA: 420

Also, gas will drop below $3/gallon during a recession…

Don’t say that, people will want a recession then!

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I do :smiley:

Discount on everything :yum:

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That will be a blessing if it happens.

I want gas prices to keep rising. Then maybe more cities will consider better mass transit.


Agreed, we need better mass transit. Also we only have a gas tax of 18 cents per gallon here in the US when European countries have a minimum $1.66 per gallon with most being between $2-4 per gallon - makes me roll my eyes when people complain about gas going up 40 cents. Imo a higher gas tax would be beneficial in combatting climate change and incentivizing public mass transit and other hybrids/evs.


We consume MULTIPLES more in gas than countries in Europe due to the U.S. being so spread out. So, in actuality, we pay more in fuel tax in the U.S. per capita (when you combine State fuel tax) due to our higher consumption.

Gasoline consumption per capita around the world |

We won’t see gas prices below $4 a gallon until things come down in the Ukraine.


I miss paying $1.08 for premium gas back in High School. Now I’m paying $6.55 for premium. Stupid sport car…


Not living in the city and with a lot of low income people who rely on getting to work in their cars, I think that is a terrible thing to wish for.