COVID-19 and Comics

Added to my list of movies to watch.

I suppose that is in the eye of the beholder. I dont have a lot of money, but I have all the power to control how my life goes. I don’t have a mortgage or children, and I have the skills to live off of the land (for how long is another topic, lol). ‘I ain’t hiding from nobody, and nobody’s been hiding from me’.

Who are ‘they’?

‘Today’s absurdities are tomorrow’s realities’
 I have not seen the ‘Network’, but it sounds on point, in the same fashion as Orwell’s 1984.

please stop typing “trump” in your responses
I’m getting a lot of trump propaganda adds

I’m here to talk comics and pandemics
election can wait till fall.

That should be a YouTube show, “Comics & Pandemics.”

Click the X on the ad and Tell’em ya don’t want to see it no more. :wink:

SorryDrogio, I wont type Trump anymore. Or President. Or Democratic party.

Would prefer no mention of either side.

I was half joking actually
just seemed weird once the conversation starting heading down the politics path I got those adds
maybe it was coincidence.

Plus I discovered how to capture a shot of my screen and make it a photo
so I was playing around with that feature.

No worrys. just having alittle fun on a sunday night :slight_smile:

reading about the tiger in NYC getting the virus. This bug is batshit crazy. i can see NYC getting this agian due to the rat population. How scary is that.

CDC hasn’t concluded or has enough data that it spreads that easy from animals or pets. I’d imagine if rats (or other animals) can get it, they would have gotten it long ago and if they can spread it easily, the entire world would be infected by now.

For all we know, someone screwed up the testing for the cat in NYC that is reported to have it or the test was contaminated.

I do not agree with this. The virus is too new and there are too many unknowns to just toss a blanket “the entire world would be infected by now.” Rats, cats and dogs don’t travel the world and socializing with other groups as much as humans do. Not even close.

I would argue that animals have a different or maybe more robust immune system defense and therefore the virus may not transmit to or from them as easily, but needs to be verified/studied more. But to say just because they aren’t spreading it means they can’t get it has not been proven, and not supported with enough physical evidence

Need more Science cowbell on this one!!

And to spin this thread back to comics during vivid-19
Ive been eying some books on eBay lately that are a little above my price point
mostly buy it nows
hoping the sellers will need some immediate cash and send me a
an offer I can’t refuse
how many of you are doing the same?

I’ve actually been able to move some old inventory too, surprisingly, despite not adding anything new. No big sales, but a few dollars here and there adds up and gets me closer to adding to my “want list”.

You misread what I was trying to imply. And yes, if humans and animals could transfer this virus and rats (or birds, any animal) could get it, rats touch the same things humans touch and rats and critters carry diseases from one location to the next. So yes, if they were transmitting the disease, I think it would far more wide spread. I was exaggerating when I said the whole world would be infected
 but it would be far more spread than it is now. You’re wrong when you say animals don’t socialize.

From Wikipedia (some rats colonize in groups of up to 30-50 rats)
 I’d say that’s socializing in the rat world

Food and shelter

Rats only require an ounce (28 grams) of food and water a day to live.[14] Rats primarily find food and shelter at human habitations and therefore interact with humans in various ways. In particular, the city’s rats adapt to practices and habits among New Yorkers for disposing of food waste. Curbside overnight garbage disposal from residences, stores, subway and restaurants, as well as littering, contribute to the sustenance of the city’s rats.[15] Rats nearly always use the same routes to their food sources.[9] Rat infestations have increased as a result of budget reductions and more wasteful disposal of food.

Rats burrow underground or create nests in suitable soft material, with a small group of rats in each nest.[9] Brown rats prefer to live at ground level or below.[12] They congregate in colonies of 30 to 50 rats.[9][16] Rats live 100 feet (30 m) to 400 feet (120 m) from their food source.[14]

Yeah, never let a good Pandemic go to waste 
 especially when people need money 

Completely switching gears here, but I’m noticing a ton of folks/shops/fb sellers all trying to utilize the friends and family route. I’ve no dog in the game, but I am a bit fearful that it is going to bite some people in the ##@. I don’t know if some of the comic shop owners I see trying to get by, understand that Paypal can come down on them very harshly (and I’ve seen it happen). Not my place to tell them, and I’m happy to pay them that route

Asking folks to pay for pull list books, varied online means such as raffles, auctions, etc
and having payments via friends and family is def going to hit paypals radar.

Maybe in this situation paypal can care less
but the all mighty dollar like takes priority over compassion. Thoughts?

You would think it would, but paypal only looks at these when reported. The down side is that when paypal finally catch’s on, everyone will feel it as they will institute a fee for everything.

Gotcha! Interesting and wasn’t sure on their policies (other than you aren’t “supposed” to use it for goods and buyers have zero recourse if swindled when using it.

Thought maybe a sudden influx of use would send a red flag as like I said, I’ve know some individuals who had their paypals suspected over improper use of it.

It’s not Paypal I’d be worried about if caught sending as friends and family, it’s if they ever get audited by the IRS if they don’t claim this money as income is where it’s gonna really bite them in the butt

I only do Friends and Family if you’re actually my friend or my family. That way I know where you live.

That sounded more threatening than I meant.