COVID-19 and Comics

No, absolutely no cap and I’ve read about it extensively. It was part of the package they just passed. An extra $600 weekly until 7/31/20.

What countries do you believe are making their citizens stay in at gunpoint? That, to me, would fall under the category of disinformation.

South Korea and the USA reported their 1st cases on the same day in late January, early February. South Korea has been a world leader in their preparedness and execution of a national strategy for this pandemic, while America’s leadership has, and continues to, fail spectacularly. These are words that you do not want to hear your leader say during a deadly pandemic; ‘I take no responsibility’ - DJT 2020. That there would scare me more than the virus.
South Korea has been able to test 5200 citizens for every 1000000. The USA has tested 74 per 1000000. I’m not trying to be a Debbie downer, but I think it is wishful thinking if you think that the USA curve will match that of South Korea.

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Yeah, I’m referring to those who are not under “essential business” type scenario, etc.

I’m fortunate enough to have a job where all I need is an internet connection. We have manufacturing and those people are having to report into work still. Luckily from what I’ve heard, they’re providing them with masks, gloves and most can keep their distance (it’s a big warehouse with lots of space) and they’re doing deep cleaning every night across the board.

That’s why I mentioned it would be nice if they get some information on the deaths of the “young and healthy” we see in the news on what caused their death (we know COVID-19 apparently triggered it but there’s something underlying here). All we can also do is take their word that these people who are far and few that claimed to be healthy might not have been.

I once had a buddy who always told everyone how healthy he was… despite that fact growing up with him he had horrible asthma and he was always catching a cold or the flu. I’m not saying he’s not healthy but I wouldn’t necessarily say he’s “healthy”… it’s a relative term I think some people like to use.

But that was my point, I didn’t say everyone young and healthy are immune, I said the opposite when I started off…

I think it does matter. We are finding out we known absolutely nothing about this virus. It changes so frequently now. First it was old people with health issues. Now it’s apparently affecting “young” and “healthy” people… I truly hope the people who claimed they had no underlying health issues are being used to hopefully study this virus more closely in how it’s affecting people.

I know we must try and save everyone who gets sick but there’s a huge risk if this virus starts to truly take out the people without any health issues cause now we’re talking extinction level type virus…

I matched it up only the end of the curve. Basically after the situation is in control and the New deaths are only about 10% what they were 3 days prior. That’s about 45 days from now…mid to end of May. No other part of the curve lines up. And it’s not based on total deaths…it’s a slope. So S.Korea may be at 100 or so deaths per day right now…but our equivalent at that time may be 500-800 because our country is that much larger and the totals that much larger to come down from.

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Fair enough, but Duterte is an exception, not the rule.

But S Koreans are much more disciplined too. Just like the Japanese. Japan has Tokyo, the most populated city on earth and last I looked their numbers are low on infections and deaths. The problem with Americans is we are arrogant and stubborn… So you can crunch the numbers but I think there’s a whole lot more to it to get true accuracy of whats to come.

yet …

On a lighter note, to a degree, I’ve been following the story about trChump telling 3M to cease exporting n95 masks to Canada and Latin America, and in my readings I discovered that the President of 3M Canada’s name is ‘Penny Wise’. Jesus Murphy. The freaking head of the company is a psychotic clown, lol.

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…idk, ruthless dictators haven’t had the best runs as of late…looking at you Saddam, Gaddafi and Zakharchenko.

The World has changed … the ‘strong arm Leader’ has become more and more popular … The Philippines considers itself democratic … Then, of course, you have North Korea and others …

I appreciate your optimism, however, I don’t share it …

I’m deeply jaded towards society in general, but, in my short lifetime we have witnessed the fall of the Iron Curtain, the CCCP disbanding and several other ‘regimes’ fall. I still very much believe that what our parents and grandparents who fought in WWII for the right for freedom, that it is very alive and well in this god forsaken world. The USA, Canada, Britain, Australia, Japan and Europe are world leaders, and they are all democratic, free societies. The will of the common man will always topple tyranny. No tyrannical regime has ever lasted that long. Imo, people can only be pushed so far before they push back. It’s not perfect, but freedom is fairly popular still. Cheers, Willie. :beers:

Not to be cynical, but are we truely a democratic society when we have people of wealth running things from the sidelines?

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By definition, yes, you live in a democracy. But, that is not to say that there isn’t way too much money involved in American politics. However, you could use your vote in your democratic elections to change that…Sanders or Warren seemed fairly intent on attempting to change the corrupt status quo of money in American politics. The choices are there…

thats where they get you. they give you the illusion of choice. make you think " i want to vote for this guy" but that isnt the case. I lean toward being a republican but even I raised my eyebrow when they put Trump on the ballet.

Money is power and everything else is just an illusion.

Thanks for putting the image in my head with the Trump Ballet.

Ya’ll need to watch the movie, “Network.” It came out in 1976 and basically predicted the World as it is in terms of politics and corporations.

We’re living in an oligarchy plain and simple. Most Americans are sheep who believe everything that the media tells them. I will leave it at that as no politics allowed.

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It is hilarious I just said everyone needs to watch, “Network,” and not 2 minutes later @ToddW basically summarizes the plot of it!

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