Should be good for consumers as they now concentrate more on streaming and media, and pump out more content to rival Disney and Netflix. Could be bad if they mess it up by choosing subpar people to be in charge of their media arm. Discovery and DC… can’t wait for a Batman Of The Jungle crossover…
King Sharkweek
I’d watch this.
Only if they transform to do fun fixing of stuff.
You should watch Teen Titans Go! Wonder Twins episodes. They are funny…
Wasn’t there a Family Guy episode where Peter took the form of a tampon as a Wonder Twin?
Yeah, it was one of the cutaway gags the shows often relies upon. That show is really hit-or-miss.
Webpage was taken down, but here’s a cached version:
Never heard of OnSmash and it looks like they specialize in hip hop. I’m not concerned until an outlet with a higher profile (read: credibility) mentions these rumors. But AT&T has absolutely sucked as an owner for DC.
It might not be legit. There’s a reason it was taken down. But…anything is possible.
Well, the article does go on to state the obvious reasons why it doesn’t make sense for AT&T/Warner to sell the DC property immediately following the merger with Discovery…right after the article says how it could also be a possibility that Warner may be taking offers. The article is arguing with itself, so, nothing was reported as fact. The entire article is speculative.
Having said that, part of me would like Marvel to unite with DC, but another part of me thinks it wouldn’t be good for the brand.
Dear God no…
Yeah I’m with you, I would like to see the universes stay separate. I like to hear about people being for “Marvel” or “DC”…creates a kind of competition that is good for business.
If they are all under one roof at Disney…what does Disney have to compete with? No bueno…
‘Malone agreed to turn in those shares for common equity because he wanted to give a combined WarnerDiscovery flexibility to sell itself in the future – most likely to a deep-pocketed technology company like Amazon or Apple or another media behemoth like Disney, according to a person familiar with the matter.‘
I would like to see Amazon or Apple pick them up, but I would not like Disney…
DC movies produced by marvel with crossovers on the big screen would be the ultimate.
DC being owned by Marvel/Disney and doing crossovers would be like eating your cereal with water instead of milk. Sure it can be done but the taste isn’t going to be the same.
What if I do a blend of half yogurt and half water? That’s basically mik.