Deadpool 3

PYRO returns


16 copies of Secret Wars #5 sold so far, plus one 1:25 variant

Not exactly. If anything, I’d think Disney would not want Tay Tay to upstage the game.

Best to hold on to that nugget for later
closer to the movie release
that’s when you want people to freak out.

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Just because the book is laying in the dirt?

Is there any significance to the issue contents?

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At twenty sold now.

Not sure the significance of this comic outside of it being in the trailer, but Grahm Cracker comics has is for $4 limit one per as of writing this.
Product Details: Secret Wars #5 (2015) (

Making top 10 lists for sure, and I bet its on KCC as being “see we told you so”


Don’t think there’s anything special in the book, seems like a random choice.

Maybe they’re just trolling speculators at this point!


I’ve seen some posts focused on New X-Men #114
I can’t figure out the association though?
Cassandra Nova was talked about prior
but I didn’t see anything in the trailer?

Just watched it again - if you’re really looking for Cassandra Nova, there’s a bald person (who isn’t Wade) shot from behind about a third of the way through. Bit of a stretch though.

EDIT: just looked at images of Cassandra Nova, and the person in the trailer seems to be wearing the same kind of trenchcoat.


Also, I’m not convinced that it is Secret Wars #5, in HD it seems like a Secret Wars copy with most of the cover torn off, but it’s not that Doom cover.

EDIT: actually, I can see it now, just because it’s got the shading on the right top side that’s the same

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Even if they are since this is an official trailer people will keep seeing it and a lot of “influencers” will keep talking about it
for a little while anyway.

42 copies plus some variants sold. Now the asking prices shooting uo.

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Did all you guys just clean out graham cracker?

FOMO is crazy
but will it last long enough for me to get the cheap copies I bought.

This is just sad


Yeah, but we all know It’s been this way for a looong time. The second the masses see anything on screen that might be the “next big thing” it is off to the races. Those that get the early copies are Glady selling to the frantic many that want a copy at any cost.

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Alright, I stopped counting when I hit 70 Ebay sales for Secret Wars #5. The books’ gone bookers! I’m just curious if there is unknown relevance within the book that we won’t know about until the movie or if like filmboyuk stated they are trying to troll collectors.


But this time it’s not even a character
it’s a comic book.

Just when you think the masses would have learned something about not paying crazy prices when a C list character has a small part in a movie or show
they go crazy for an appearance of a comic book!
