Codex and Virus, for that matter, will likely come back. Marvel knows how to follow the money.
looks like Codex
also looks like Darkness
ahh his signature… a mashup.
That Capullo looks great
Geez… Vanish #1 has a 1:200 and 1:500 now…
Vanish #1 (Cover I - 200 Copy Capullo Raw Variant)
Vanish #1 (Cover J - 500 Copy Stegman Raw Variant)
you can thank all those shop covers for thAT
I already have plenty first appearance of Codex
Which are all worthless now…
Now maybe. But tomorrow…yeah probably still be worthless.
Codex is from another Universe and is now dead… yeah, pretty worthless if you ask me. I’m so glad I avoided that hype…
I thought he was cured of Knull’s influence, not killed.
Maybe I recalled it incorrectly, but I thought he died…
How many times has Thanos died? He seems to bounce back ok.
That’s correct, death means nothing usually but this one is a little different considering that Codex is Dylan and the Dylan we really care about is from our Universe.
That made me feel some type of way lol