I am a fan of Jim Comics…seems just a regular guy I’d hang out with and talk comics. He is the type of youtuber I do follow and pay attention to.
I also like that he promotes anything he likes…many of which are independents that aren’t very well known. Not for false hype…but simply because he likes a cover, a book etc.
Yes, his information is often picked up by/shared by others I’m not particularly fond of…but that isn’t his fault.
No so someone had brought up earlier that people send in books for the “comic karma” and that they’re supposed to go into the mystery boxes as bonus books for people. Yes the mystery boxes are sold, but part of the allure is the potential for getting a rare or valuable book, which is what the donated books are meant to be a part of. Instead he was selling them on eBay for himself.
I’m sure he could make the argument that he used any funds from the sales in future mystery boxes, but the point is people sent them in specifically for them to be redistributed in the boxes and not sold for him to make a profit off of.
While he doesn’t get paid for the sponsor, he does promote the app almost every video and has his own code to give out for a free weeks membership. While he isn’t paid for it, he’s still promoting them.
I’ve heard that Key Collector will give those with “COUPON” codes I guess you call it a % for each referral… so he’s likely getting something from it. Probably isn’t making him filthy rich though…
I’ve watched some of his videos, not all of them, I’ve never heard the term comic Kharma on his videos. Is he requesting people send him books? Or are people just doing it on their own? An important distinction.
Now if he is requesting people send him books For the mail call, with direct instructions they are to be used for the mystery mail boxes, they really should go in those boxes.
But if people are sending in books, voluntarily, to be included in boxes that are sold for a profit, then they can be sold. If you are sending something for someone to sell at 100% their own profit, the venue they make that profit from isn’t really a big difference. Either way you are sending that book to X to make 100% profit from.
Now, if they are not meant to be sold at all, and they are meant to go out for free, that’s completely different and 100% shameful.
And if the argument is there’s never anything valuable in the mystery boxes, that’s a completely different argument. Don’t buy them. I’ve never understood people paying for random books they may not want anyways. But he’s one of many many many places that do mystery boxes.
Price manipulation is rampant in the Industry currently … all it takes is the balls and the money to buy up each and every book that gets some heat … corner the market, drive the price up and then dribble the books out … simple, easy and apparently effective …
What comic Karma supposedly is, according to tom, is books that people donate to him for free, which he claims to redistribute for free to the ‘comic community’. Although, it seems more often than not that he just ends up selling those books in his mystery mail call boxes.
That’s what I’m saying - they are specifically meant for the mystery boxes. He does the comic karma reveals on his live stream and you can see them in his videos (I think this is his most recent one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro_cCD056eI).
Well, if you people are willing to send in books to be donated for a good cause, send @Anthony your precious books and he’ll happily sell them instead of giving them away… and use all the money to pay for his next beard trimming…
That video is over an hour long. I’m going to have to take your word for it. Ha.
If he’s requesting books to be sent in for free, noted to only be used for the mail boxes, then they should be in there.
But I still can’t get past you are sending him books to be sold in the mailboxes. He’s still selling them either way. If it’s clear and upfront you are sending him books to be sold, the method he sells them isn’t as big of a deal to me.
If you wanted to donate comics, I’m sure you can find out other ways to do it then to mail them to the YouTube guy to be sold in boxes.
We’ve probably spent enough time on this one though. Ha. Cheers @kon_jelly
I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that 1) you send in your own good comics for free 2) you spend money on a blind box?
So in essence people are paying him to take and redistribute their comic books. If it is for charity then put all the donated books up for auction and send that money.
I never buy “chance” crap… The only time I throw a few bucks at a blind gamble is with a lotto ticket and those have to be like 100+ million before i even think about buying…
Haha… I only remember to buy when they’re over 100 million cause that’s when the news starts chattering about them… but yeah, I’m not going to the gas station to try and win a measily 50 million and possibly catch COVID at the same time and die before winning… eff that! I only risk my life when it’s in the 9 figure range…
So the only LCS in my area closed back in May 2019 and I saw where Tom/Russ were advertising that you could make Mill Geek your LCS if you joined his Patreon for $10. That got you access to previews where you could select your subscriptions and free shipping. I thought it was a decent deal especially with no LCS. Man, what a disaster. Was always shorted books, never could get anything “hot” or ratios, books always damaged had to wait on replacements, and always got denied requests for books ordered BEFORE FOC. I will admit, I have no clue how shops/Previews/Diamond works, but there always seemed to be an issue every week. Had to dump them after about a year.
Mill Geek patreon for $10 a month? Smells like a scam to me and that’s not even the purpose of Patreon… Patreon is for people to put out original content of their own through the Patreon platform, not use as a paywall to join clubs… people need to start reporting such things to shut those fake patreon accounts down who abuse it for their own gain.
You want to setup a subscription program, learn to setup your own website to accept subscriptions… people need to stop being cheap and lazy!