eBay Seller/Buyer Avoid List

That’s funny the scammer is accusing you of scamming. Projection, much?


I’m not sure what to do here. The seller is refusing to refund. He’s claiming I swapped out the book, I’m sure to have a record of that in our communication. Guessing he’s done this before.

I’m guessing I can force a refund here, but I’m also guessing if I do, he’ll sh*t all over my perfect feedback. I do everything by the book with my eBay account, and my feedback shows that. This was just a $20 book including shipping. Do I just eat that cost so that he doesn’t wreck my feedback score?

I hate to let him get away with this though. More on principle and less about the money.

He can’t, he can only leave a positive feedback.

Just dispute the transaction with the credit card company if you used that to pay for it through paypal. That’s just the easiest solution and don’t even bother with feedback on eBay or dealing with them, they ultimately don’t care about the sellers or buyers to be honest.

He can’t leave you negative feedback so you are fine there. The worst he could do is buy one of your items (if you have anything for sale) then give you a negative for it. Ebay would probably see that as retaliation.

If he leaves you with a positive feedback with negative comment you can have eBay strike it.


Just block him from buying… he has their name and address if they try by creating another account! :wink:

I am going to tell a funny but shitty story. I have one of my son’s baseball bats up for sale at $250. He bought it in August and used it for about two weeks before realizing he didn’t like the swing weight of the bat. He tends to like balanced bats and this one is end loaded (meaning the center of gravity is not in the middle but at the end. Anyway, besides a few scratches the bat is brand new. Guy hit me up on Mercari and asked if I would take $100 for it. I countered no it is essentially a new bat and not going to sell it for that low. He replied “what do you mean essentially new that bat is trashed”. He sent an offer for $100 with the message. I declined. I looked at his seller page and sure enough the dude sells bats. He had one of the hottest bats on the market for sale for $325. I offered his $50 saying the bat is trashed and then immediately blocked him. If he had accepted, well, I would have sold the bat locally for way more money than the $50.


I love eBay!!!

Just cancel the transaction if that happens.

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Just contact eBay and if it doesn’t go your way contact eBay again. They will generally bend over backwards to make it right. Usually refunding the purchase without having to send it back.

Just some evidence of the scam. The pics on the left are the book in the listing, which he claimed was NM. Pics on the right are the book I received. While the shipping packaging was pathetic, this isn’t damage from shipping. This is age. Ticks up and down the spine. Folded corners. A 1" tear on the back cover. None of these are in the listing pictures.

After I called him out, he said that that’s not the book that he sent and that I’m scamming him. I’m clearly going to flip this book (that I paid $20 for) for “$20 to $25”. Nice try, pal.

eBay is making me wait until 10/24 to have them step in.




You’ll get your money back. just keep up with it.


I did a copy/paste into my Ebay block to ensure I never deal with this “dude”; but it didn’t seem to work?
Perhaps the “0” is an “O” or something? Or maybe he’s just gone totally from ebay?

This is what I copied/pasted thedudeisl_0

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The eBay ‘block’ system can be weird Bill. You can enter everything correctly and it still gives you a red warning that this person doesn’t exist. You have to just enter that data again sometimes and then it works.

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Thanks! Will attempt again

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Today was the day where I could ask eBay to step in to resolve this matter. What’s funny is that he beat me to the punch. I woke up to two emails from eBay. 1) The seller has asked eBay to step in, so we’ll investigate and 2) We investigated and sided with you. You’ll get a full refund in 3-5 days.

OK. Thanks for doing that for me.

Now, do I send the book back? There was no mention of it. I honestly do not want his scam book, so I might just pack it up and ship it back to him.

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I wouldn’t waste anymore time or money on this person. Donate the book or give it away I say! Or list it and donate all proceeds to charity, explaining what happened in the charity auction!


No, keep the book as eBay probably refunded both of you from ebays money.

Sell the book. At least get something back out is the negative experience.

Otherwise trash it. Send him a pic of you wiping your @$$ with it.

I’m just kidding about that last one.

…or am I……


I kinda like that last thought