eBay Seller/Buyer Avoid List

I mean if you’re doing that then you may as well return it, though I’d skip the photos.

Pretty upset about a recent transaction with Ebay seller. Bought a 1:25 Strange Academy variant that I needed for my collection. Bought from comic store and when the book arrived, the mailer was bent all the way across the top 1/3rd of the package. Submitted a return because the book didn’t arrive in the condition I bought it (uploaded 5 pictures that clearly show the damage) Send book back and wait for seller to receive and get the refund. BTW, I’ve only returned probably 4-5 books in my entire 20 years on Ebay so not something I just typically do.

Get notice tonight that seller asked Ebay to step in and said that I “replaced” the book with another and sent it to them? WTF? Ebay sided with them! Has anyone ever heard of that before? I’ve got double their feedback and long history on Ebay. I submitted an appeal, but don’t think I’ll win. Other then give them a “negative” feedback, does anyone have any suggestions?

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Call eBay. Escalate it You can show the pictures that you sent him, trust me, once they see that you communicated with them, they will side with you. Sorry for the hassle.


Also, please call out the seller here so we can all block him.


No matter how long some of us go without issue, there is always that guy/store out there that will continue to just be an a$$hole.
And I really hate when that times comes in life where I interact with them.


Did the seller accept a return? Why would eBay step in if the seller already agreed to a return?

Appeal the decision and with what you stated they’ll refund you fully and usually you’ll get to keep the book. eBay will usually cover the refunds.

The seller accepted the return, but when they got the book back, they sent pictures to Ebay comparing the book I sent back to the original listing saying it was not the same book. So I bought their book kept it and then went out an purchased another book to return it? For $15? Are you kidding me? I have a son in travel baseball/basketball and work full time, I don’t have time for that kind of nonsense.

I sent them an email through Ebay complaining and appealed the Ebay decision. They had great feedback also, so it just strikes me as weird. Wonderland Comics CT (Putnam) is the store.

I’ve sold a ton of comics through Ebay and have had a couple of instances were the book got damaged during transit. Even though it wasn’t my fault, I always refunded at least half or the full amount to make the seller happy. I know overall that there are an overwhelming amount of great sellers out there, but this really angers me.

Thanks CHU members for your comments, it helps take the sting out of this whole situation.


The concept of accepting responsibility is becoming lost on so many. Businesses that aren’t pricing losses into their financials are not running their operations correctly. These kinds of shenanigans are always going to catch-up with the seller someday. Never had occasion to buy from Wonderland Comics but they’ve certainly lost my business.


Not the same Wonderland I have dealt with before. I had purchased from other one that sold me a book and never disclosed the back cover was torn in half.

Yeah, I get it. My 14 year old plays tournament baseball and travel basketball. I don’t have time for foolishness.

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Sounds like something Golden Apple would pull.
And I say this because they HAVE pulled with me.
They were particularly foul in an email to me and I made sure I was triply foul back. And then they doubled up on me. Real professional company.

So Golden Apple - OUT of my life
Wonderland in CT - OUT of my life
Wonderland wherever else - OUT


Golden Apple was always pricey but the first time I went there decades ago the customer service wasn’t bad. Whenever I made a trip into LA I would stop by. When I lived in the area for a while I would also shop there from time to time. From what I gather, after the founder died the son took over. Not sure if it has changed hands since then, I no longer live anywhere close, so I have no idea if anything has changed in the last decade or so. There was a time when Golden Apple was better though. Gotta say that was a long while ago. The prices have gone from a bit pricey to usually at the high end of the spectrum for everything. I hear far too many complaints these days and haven’t bought from them in probably over a year now.


Ha! I know that place!

I actually order books online and have them hold them until I travel to visit family up in NH. Did they ship it in a Gemini mailer?

It’s a decent size store with tons of back issues. Unfortunately except for the wall books they’re all shoved in long boxes without boards. They also put their books in the sleeves upside down. I guess this makes it easier to insert into the long boxes? Weird.

They have discounts where if you buy $10 you get 10% off, $20 is 20%, and so on up to $50 is 50% off. It’s weird because once you hit $30 or so you’re basically adding books for free up to $50. I’ve done very well there.

Anyway, never had a problem. But I’ve never had them ship a comic to me. Same person has worked the counter when I’ve been there and seems nice. Business must be hurting if they’re making a stink over $15. Geesh.

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Ebay reversed their decision on appeal. Refund coming! Wonderland Comics CT blocked.

Now onto buy more comics…


Good job!

Not eBay but a Mercari purchase. I got a $20 off a $20 purchase coupon from Mercari for listing comics. So I found a game I was interested in and made a $20 offer. Seller never responds. I messaged them in between. The offer expires. I message them again. No answer. I buy the game and wait several days for the game to ship. The delivery expectation date passes and I figured I would give it a few days. Game finally shows up. I leave feedback as neutral as the seller took their time shipping, never responded to offers or messages. So just now I get a bunch of offers on items I have listed cheaply. I notice it is from the seller. I decline them. A sale comes through for a Blu-ray I have listed at $2. Same person.

Realizing this is spending money for a retaliatory feedback, I cancel the sale and block them. There was no looking at my items by them until today (which happens to be the same day I left feedback).

User name is Mayday74. If you use Mercari this person seems to be a bit of a nutter.


It’s why I always block a person first before leaving negative feedback. Though the one time I didn’t they tried the same thing with me but on eBay.

I’m also going to tell everyone, I have no problems leaving negative feedback. If you eff up royally I want other buyers to know. That and I’m a moody prick.

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ToddW can you tell me your username on ebay so I can block you? :joy:


Preemptive blocking?

That’s like killing Victor Timely before he becomes Kang! Even Sylvie couldn’t do it!

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Funny thing. She followed me over to eBay as well. Started putting offers on books I had for sale. I knew she was going to be a nutter. Different user name but same hometown.