eBay Seller/Buyer Avoid List

I like that word “nutter”.
I’ve been using “loon”. Both are good but I’m gonna change it up

I like, “Bonkers.”

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As long as it’s after they respond when something goes wrong. How a seller reacts is truly how one should leave appropriate feedback.

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ToddW uses blue painters tape when sending comics. Thats like the person that takes their shoes off automatically when going into a home, great people to buy from but they expect similar care when purchasing. Blue painters tape always means good packaging in other aspects, never came across an exception.

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Blue painter’s tape is good stuff. Other tapes can lead to mistakes.

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I like to Duct tape the bare comic to cardboard.
It never moves! Great stuff

:wink: :wink:

(And yes, this has been done to me)

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I have never had a comic damaged from my packing and I use painters tape as well.

I have a whole rainbow of painters tape that I use :Þ

It depends. If they package it horribly, I want other buyers to know regardless of what they do including a full refund.

That’s fine I suppose, I just feel like if they make it right pending how they even react and if it seems genuine that it doesn’t always warrant a negative.


Agreed, it would take a lot for me to ever give out a negative feedback. To this date I have not yet left one or even a neutral feedback. I would want to see how the seller handle the problem and the tenor of their response. I think the only way I’d ever leave a negative feedback is if the seller was actively trying to scam me. Sometimes things happen that are out of your control.

A few years ago I sold a fairly expensive marvel masterworks on ebay. It got to the seller a little late as UPS didn’t deliver it at the scheduled time. A couple days later there was a note on the tracking page that there was “noticeable damage”. I always bomb proof my shipments and since this was an expensive out of print masterworks, I even took extra care so this was annoying.

It finally got to the buyer and it looked like it was ran over by a 2 ton truck and the box chewed by vicious Rottweiler. Needless to say the box was completely totaled. The hardcover masterwork was warped and bent. Super annoying as I sent it brand new and completely sealed which the buyer would’ve loved as it was out of print.

We worked it out and I offered him a 50% discount to keep the book which he was thrilled. I would’ve offered him a full refund if he wanted it, it was damaged that bad. The buyer was thrilled with how I handled it and left me a positive feedback.

Sometimes things happen so I wouldn’t be so quick to give someone a negative feedback.


Yes but a full refund doesn’t fix bad shipping practices. .

I would only go by their history. If they have no other negatives regarding shipping, it’s a one off and if they refunded you or made it right cause it got damaged then maybe a neutral.

But yeah, if they got numerous negatives and it’s all the same “horrible packaging, etc” … then yes, leave another negative but also that warrants the question, “why did I order from them myself?” When I review feedbacks like that when I don’t see 100%, then I just don’t buy from them when they act like turds.

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I was wonder if others have faced this issue where USPS does not update the tracking number and the buyer comes back and states the item is not received. I have had about a dozen of these transactions the past 2 years with about 500 transactions.

The only time I’ve ever had that happen is when I left a package in my mail box to be picked up. They did not scan the package when they took it from my mail box, and it never got scanned. So it made it look like I never dropped it off.

I had 3 or 4 other packages in the mail box at the same time and they all got scanned. So I know they picked it up.

After that I bring all my packages to the post office and I watch them scan every single one. Haven’t had a problem since.


When I do sell, I always go to the post office to ship, then, I’ll take a picture of the receipt with the tracking number and send the pic to the buyer in a message thanking them for the purchase.

I am at an advantage though as I have a USPS post office on the base I work at and can go at lunch. Makes it a lot easier as I’m sure distance to a USPS is a nuisance for most.

Never had this problem, sent easily over 1500+ transactions over the years. A lot of them from Canada to the US, no issues.

ground advantage has insurance now included, so if usps ■■■■■ up it comes out of their pocket

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