eBay Seller/Buyer Avoid List

The local Post Office manager can access the tracking from their system and provide you a copy if something gets messed up like them hitting the delivered button when it was just getting scanned in and hadn’t even left the building yet. If you’re leaving packages unattended that haven’t been scanned in, anything can happen and may be porch pirates on the front end of the delivery. Always hand deliver to the Post Office and wait for them to be scanned in.

For insurance, the customer has to file or you have to pay to have it sent back before you can file yourself. That also usually includes turning the package in after the claim is approved to your local Post Office before the check is mailed to you. Frequently, they will not cover the cost of the shipping so you could be out the original and the return shipping cost which makes the insurance virtually worthless for cheaper shipments even if it is free.

If it ends up lost, you still have to wait at least 15 days before reporting it late for Priority Mail, the local people say it should be at least that long for Ground Advantage as well so you’re talking 30 days + before a claim will get paid typically and it could show up anytime during that period stopping the claim. If you’re really lucky, the claim will get paid and the package will still show up eventually on one end or the other. That happened a couple times during the pandemic when entire trucks of mail were just being left unsorted at the regional centers.

Remember no matter what the online tracking says, you can have your local office double check it from their system for free by asking when they’re not swamped. I’ve even had a claim or two paid by the local after being denied by the online people. I’m assuming they took it out of the local budget to make it right when the online people said no so try to stay on good terms with them.

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FYI, if the item is “damaged” they may have to confiscate it.

That happened to a graded book I received. The case was damaged during shipment, and the book also incurred some slight damage inside the case. So I requested an amount of compensation from USPS equivalent to shipping the book to CBCS and back which included a press and re-grade (about $60 at the time).

However I was denied the claim because I wouldn’t turn over the book.

And I couldn’t return it to the seller because I was the seller, and the damaged book had been returned to me.

I did eventually send the book in and got it back in the same grade prior to the damage…so it was saved.

thanks for the responses and feedback, these seem to be the rare cases when the final delivery of the product is not scanned and shows as not received. I have been sending USPS ground and it has insurance but these cases take over 30 days to settle and buyer has been waiting for weeks already.

I have also went to the post office to get an update however they generally dont have any other information than on the internet. I had a few of these the past year but it seems like an ongoing issue. The post office even stated sometimes the carriers forgets to do the final scan. In these cases i had to refund the buyer each time.

If the carrier didn’t do the final scan then it’s not delivered and you win the case if you’re willing to follow it thru all the steps to the end. The tracking number would show it arriving at the customers local Post Office and again out for delivery.

That’s also claiming the customer is lying to you and they actually got the package. What it sounds like is there was a delay and you were nice enough to refund prior to going thru the steps to get reimbursed or have the Post Office locate the item.

If the Post Office employee isn’t doing his job, then that’s a huge reason for you to follow thru with the case. The only way the scum level employees can toss packages in dumpsters and ditches and get away with it is if people don’t follow thru. By keeping silent you subject other sellers and buyers to going thru the same experience. Speak up. Do the steps needed to prevent it from happening again next week to someone else.

What you’re describing is one of 3 options
A: The employee is not doing their job correctly ie scanning the last step but actually delivering the product and the customer is lying to you about not actually having it.

B: The employee is not doing their job and stealing/disposing of the shipment instead of delivering it.

C: That the system is bogged down and you’re giving up before they can get it there or make it right. The squeaky wheel tends to get the grease they say so the more people making the problem known, the more likely it is to get corrected by higher ups.

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Tried to return a comic after it cooled off, claimed it was because the CGC label didn’t mention the 1st appearance.

I rejected the return request because f*** that reason, the label is clearly shown in the photos. So they messaged saying they’re trying 1 more time before leaving feedback.

They left negative feedback, don’t care. Even if I don’t get it removed, it will be my only neg feedback after years of selling and $ > feedback, especially when 100% feedback doesn’t do much for you anymore. At least in my experience.


Negative feedback doesnt mean anything anymore. Call Ebay and tell them to remove it. Works everytime


eBay removed it.


LMFOA. Returning a comic because of what a label does or does not say…

We know this type of collector. They’d pay 9.8 prices for a books even if it had been swapped out for a 1.0…because the label says it’s a 9.8.

And they’d buy an empty slab if the label said there was a comic in it…lol. “It’s invisible!!!”


:100: :100: :100:

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USPS just increased there rates again, It now cost about $5.62 to ship one comic in a gemini holder.

Things keep on get more expensive.


Yep - The day is coming where local shows become almost wholly my selling mechanism.
PO fees increasing, Ebay fees which I’m sure will, Paypal increases, Grading fees which I’m sure will, reduced FMVs on comics, Capital gains… and we’re left with poop after all have taken their cut.

Screw them - One-on-One, face-to-face, cash only is where I’m at. Slower burn, but poop + a bit more is better than poop


Will be honest. Did my taxes this weekend on sales and I appreciated every fee and dime I spent on postage to off set income.


I think Legal Flat Rate is now 8.2x from 7.90.

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What was it before? I hold the line at $4.99… I re-use Gemini’s…I haven’t re-ordered replacements since June of 2022.

2023 was a slow year…

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It was previously approximately $4.82 for one comic in a gemini holder.

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USPS Ground Advantage prices will increase by 5.4%

Last week I shipped a book to TX for $5.17. Today I sold a book going to TX for $5.45.

Checks out.

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That’s a 16% increase (to 5.82).

I think you’re comparing prices of two different regions before and after.

Some guy keeps sending me low ball offers. I changed the settings on the auction to stop it but I checked out his feedback. Saw this.


Was that a positive response?

This guy has a lot to say about Erik’s penis…almost obsessed with it.