eBay Seller/Buyer Avoid List

lol. Yeah. Positive feedback. Book sold for full price today.

Don’t think he’s talking in first person?

“Jimmy doesn’t like misunderstandings. Jimmy and misunderstandings kinda clash…!”

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2nd coming of Bob Dole


If you can’t be bothered to even spin a photo (or in this case, the actual slab) right side up in your listing, not sure I want to be buying from you.

That…and the shadowy pictures

The funny thing is it looks as if this seller was making an effort to stage the photo…big swing and miss.


I just saw two different sellers, yesterday, with the classic picture of … drum roll… the back of the comic with the comic in a bag and board.
On what planet in this universe does someone want to see the backing board? 25 somewhat years into Ebay and online selling and you’re taking pictures of the bag and backing board?


you selling penis pumps again ?

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What was the release date of the book?

I am going to delete their ebay name from the list. They finally responded to me.

It was for Avengers Twilight 1 and 2, and they said all copies were torn so they had to request replacements and they arrived late. They provided a tracking number today, but it has been 2 weeks without communication on what the hold up was.


You’re lucky. It’s actually possible they scrambled and paid cover price or higher on issue #2. It was out of stock before release and therefore no replacement copies available.

Add jatho_531625 to your block lists. Bought a copy of Eye Lie #1 Popeye Punch out Homage and didn’t pay, normally I don’t care but the account is brand new and it looks like at least one other seller had a non payment for same book, they left feedback to say as much. Maybe another seller with copies trying to tie up competition in limbo? Pretty dirty if so, or perhaps Janet is just loves Tyson Punch Out?

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Did you see their feedback? They bought two copies from me and didn’t pay.

Jokes on them I ended up selling them for more. Win for me.


They purchased mine on the 30th of August, didn’t see that feedback until today. Didn’t realize that was your account!! I had another copy listed so didn’t miss out but still just slimy behaviour.

Yup. That is me. Slimey for sure.

You clicked on the positive feedback button by accident and gave him a negative comment :grin:

eBay has the brilliant policy to where buyers can never be given negative feedback.


but if they never paid, how can they still be considered a buyer?


junk accounts created to manipulate the market for themselves more than likely…

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Might as well add this guy. Had listed some variants with color rub both noted and shown in photos. Guy made a 50% off offer. I accepted figuring the books had sat and he was offering off what he thought they were worth. He just hit me up saying they have color rub.


Did you spell the username right? Ebay won’t let me block user saying it’s not a valid username

EDIT: so ebay’s block list is case sensitive. I lower cased the M and it worked.