Fantastic Four movie

They’re all playing the Woke Game just trying score more points than the previous person.


Oh no! We didn’t get another straight white male actor in a Marvel movie! Why do we need women and people of color?

I don’t know why Disney does this! Why do they go out of their way to find characters that other people can relate to? Don’t they get that us white guys, who represent 31% of the population of America, and about 9% of the population of the planet, need more representation than just:

Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Doctor Strange
Bucky Barnes
3 out of the Fantastic Four
Moon Knight
Star Lord
Thanos (played by a white guy)
Rocket Raccoon (played by a white guy)
Adam Warlock


Silver Surfer is gonna be mocap & CGI. It doesnt matter the skin color, but gender matters…


:100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100: :100:
while i usually dislike the choice of a gender-swapped male character over using an original female character, the majority of objections to the increase in diversity in entertainment, that it’s “forced” or “woke”, make zero logical sense.

i’m not saying anyone here fits the following description, but those of the “F Your Feelings” Crowd themselves, seemingly without irony, cry constantly about issues which cause no actual harm…except to their own feelings.


The $$$ will tell the story.
And if the $$$ have been telling the story since the end of Phase 3, then the story is not a good one.

Thank god for capitalism


I, for one, am very excited about this Shalla-Bal surfer. She’s already made me $60 today.



It’s all make believe story telling… anyone who gets their undies knotted up from the “owners” of such characters should go seek some therapy for caring too much about make belief characters and stories. More important things to worry about in life that actually do impact you directly.

It’s all for entertainment, either watch it or don’t… and if you like it, great. If you don’t, oh well, can’t like everything we pay for. That’s the chance you take when you go watch a movie, show, etc.


It’s not even a gender swap. There was a Silver Surfer that went by the name of Shalla-Bal in the comics. And there have been other female heralds. It’s not that far fetched.

Norin Rad had his shot in Rise of the Silver Surfer. 38% score on rotten tomatoes.

It’s all about the script, actors and director. At least they picked a solid actress for the part!! Unlike that lead in Madam Web…

And the 4 hero’s are something to be excited about too.

Have faith!


I know this. See my post above :grinning:

But there is only ONE Silver Surfer, and he’s packing meat


Is he though? Humans are kind of arrogant to think all other lifeforms not from earth that are intelligent look and have the same organs as ourselves… :wink:

I want a retcon of all alien lifeforms in comics and stories. None should look like humans and they should have all evolved differently based on what their planet is like. Hehe…


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I admit I googled whether the surfer wears clothes or is naked. I wasn’t sure if when he’s made a herald if he became neutered.

Apparently is a silver protective layer…so there is still meat in there.


Yeah, but he’s not human per se… humans are from earth. That’s what I was being sarcastic about in my comment… we’re pretty arrogant to think all aliens are “packing” the same junk we got… :wink:

Playing devils advocate here…If you are going to list one type, you need to list em’ all.


Sharon Carter

Cassie Lang

Darcy Lewis

Xu Xialing

Jane Foster

Colleen Wing



Maria Hill

Peggy Carter

Maya Lopez (Echo)

Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk)

Susan Storm (Invisible Woman)


Riri Williams (Ironheart)

Jessica Jones

Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel)

Yelena Belova


Gwen Stacy


Karen Page

Ororo Munroe (Storm)


Hope Van Dyne (The Wasp)

Claire Temple (Night Nurse)

MJ Watson

Kate Bishop (Hawkeye)

Monica Rambeau (Spectrum)

Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)

Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

Aunt May

Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)


Homosexual, Bi-Sexual, or Pansexual

Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Yukio

Loki and Sylvie

Phastos and his husband Ben

America Chavez

Grieving Man




Korg (And His Husband)

Jeri Hogarth

Ancient One

Minority Male Heroes

Luke Cage

Black Panther

Nic Fury

Falcon x 2


James Rhodes


Shang Chi



Red Dagger


The overall representation of significant actors who are white is at 61%. While this is very much the majority, the U.S. Census estimates the representation of whites in the United States to be 60.7%. In this regard, the MCU’s depiction of white representation is more or less spot on…probably a moot point since we are discussing a Silver Guy :wink:

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Silver alien with what appears to be… “human junk” down below… makes total sense! :wink:


Can we end this conversation and go back to discussing what is really important? First appearance or cameos.

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Well, when a character is created a certain way for generations and then gets changed for pandering (much of it is exactly that in my opinion)…It has nothing to do with just “white guys” and more to do with changing what made these characters iconic and popular over the years. If most of the comics book characters were originally created to cater to young white males, then so be it. Is there something wrong with that? That was the key demographic at the time. There is also no reason not to include more women and non-white males in modern comics and movies, especially these days but I think most out there just don’t want inclusion to mean changing already established characters…and yes even if that means keeping white male characters as they were originally created. I know that means some out there (hopefully not on this site) will have all sorts of nasty thoughts toward me for saying that, but I don’t care. I’m OK with characters that were created white and male staying that way. I’m also OK with older C list female and minority characters coming into the limelight or of course brand new female or minority characters becoming more established. Does all that just make me a half bigot?


FF48 (1st Surfer/ 1st Galactus in Cameo) is about twice the value of FF49 (1st full Galactus/1st Surfer & Galactus Cover) in the same Grade.

As an investment for 5-10 years down the road, would you rather invest in 1 issue 48 or 2 copies of 49 (all same grade)?

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I would always go with FF 48 for investment and probably always will but if Norrin Radd doesn’t make his way into the MCU and regular 616 Galactus does, two copies of #49 would be very nice to have.

I was hoping for Norrin Radd, but it’s too early to melt down over this. If the movie is good, then it’s good. And there’s nothing saying Radd will never appear in the MCU.

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