Fantastic Four movie

I am reading on Twitter that its Galactus.

Avatar, you say?

A female Thing

If true, I aint f&^king watching this crap.



“Jewish actors?” Sure.

Kinda weird since it took 40 years after Fantastic Four #1 for them to reveal Ben Grimm is Jewish. But maybe they are going to have a Marvel Passover Special on Disney+ with Moon Knight and The Thing


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Josh Trank part deux.

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There’s been a lady as The Thing before, I remember it from, “FF.” Had good Allred art.

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Not happening. Not worth getting worked up over.

Kunis might make for an interesting Alicia Masters, though.


To my knowledge there have been a few female Things in the comics. It’s not an issue for me personally. Sometimes they don’t stick to the same sex or race. It could be a better choice to cast The Thing as a female.

I don’t care who plays who in the movie. I just want it not to suck for once. Can we get a good F4 movie, please? I mean, the 2005 one has some brief decent moments, but yeah.


I’m no hollywood director, but getting “The Thing” right just really doesn’t seem all that hard if you just pay attention to the comics.

He is just such an amazing character. Hell, make him CGI if you need to at this point. Look what they did with Groot. Ben’s love of family, humor, will to sacrifice for others, no nonsense approach to stuff. His “clobberin time” line if used JUST ONCE in the right way, at the right moment could be MCU crowd roaring history. Give me a scene with him drinking in solitude on Yancy Street even.

Take your time Marvel
establish this group, their family, and what they mean to each other and the Marvel universe as a whole.

come on Marvel
please, please get this right.


I am sorry, Mila Kunis is not the thing. That would be the worst casting.


Could not have stated this better.


Can you imagine that high squeaky voice coming out of that brick wall of a monster?

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I think Mindy Kaling would be a “Fantastic” choice :thinking:

I like Mila. But she is tiny. Has a high pitched voice. I just don’t see it.

I don’t think her voice is that high pitched
 her talking in her normal voice about her Meg character on Family Guy

It is not gravely Michael Chiklis voice. Sorry if you do not think it is high pitched, but too high pitched to be the Thing.