FOC Mega Topic

I mean I guess that’s true but first appearance by way of publishing error or not the majority will always decide which is the more expensive and sought after issue, like the case with Gambit. I will always want 266 over the annual because it’s his actual introduction and he’s on the cover and it’s just a cool issue. So no matter if we say cameo or first appearance or first cover and inside appearance or first in continuity appearance … it will never matter more than what the market decided was worth more. Same with Wolverine’s first appearance… I’ve just resigned myself to not care what it’s called and either get issues because I feel the connection or if I’m buying them to flip then getting the one the market wants.

It’s just all semantics. The problem is, in today’s world of comics, terms like “cameo” and “first full” are just used to manipulate the market of what people are holding to hopefully boost the sales of. This is why, we should just KISS (keep it simple stupid) and stop with all the stupid marketing pumper terminology and call them as they simply are…

If the second appearance is worth more than the first appearance or the first cover appearance is worth more than the first appearance, so be it. It is what it is, still doesn’t negate the facts of first, second, third and so on appearance. Demand is what creates value and worth, don’t let terms used to describe the appearance or book dictate overall value.

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They can DM me directly to keep it anonymous.

Spawn’s never afraid to make an appearance in other titles. SPACE SPAWN! Spacwn?

I think Kirkman has done some incredible work, so I’m on board here for a copy to read. And, I don’t worry about his milking titles for every dollar he can get. I mean, he’s literally in the business of selling comics. More is better, and if we keep buying them, why on earth would he stop? I wouldn’t.

I guess my concern is, make new stories or books. Not print them over and over again. No one demanded the latest round of WD books he’s printing in color… I’m sure there’s some die hard fans out there but last time I checked my shop, they don’t even order shelf copies.

Totally agree!

He said in one of his columns that people claimed WD was supposed to be black and white from the get-go. He disagreed completely. He said they went black and white simply because they didn’t have any budget for color. But, it was supposed to be color. He finally is in a position to do so.

And, I grabbed the first 50 or so, as I missed most of the original run. I know a few others that are doing the same. My shops have said they have people buying the full set. Will it sell a billion books? Nope. But, I do think it had a clear purpose and intent. This pop culture phenomenon finally gets to be experienced in the way he originally hoped it would be.

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I read he pitched the idea to Image originally as yes, cost saving technique and faster turn around times to keep up with a monthly time table to release issues. So I would say he likely did want color but according to his own pitch to Image, it was pitched as Black and White so one could argue that was the original intent once published. Might of not been in his head though…

He also pitched the idea as “Night of the Living Dead” since it’s not copyrighted. Image execs at the time said that was a bad idea and for him to come up with a unique name so he can copyright it.

I propose “Disprint”.

Silk #2 1:25 Saowee Variant
Saowee has a following, and I believe this will be her first Marvel cover.


I’ve seen quite a few collectors that are into “bubblegum” covers also (regardless of the character) so it would be appealing those folks also.

just preordered 2 – thanks for the heads up

Definitely has that “Rose Besch” vibe that caused a spike for the last Silk #2 1:25.

Book can be had for just above ratio now.

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Silk #2 (of 5) (25 Copy Variant) - Sold out currently at TFAW but could pop back up when it gets closer to actual FOC date this weekend.

Getting listed starting around the $45 mark on eBay currently.

where to pre order from? I saw sanctum had some but then saw it sold out on there

I just don’t understand how Silk can be rebooted so many damn times.


They’re likely gonna add when they get enough regular cover orders to qualify for more… that’s how most shops should be operating.

They are not reboots. They are just limited series.


Limited Series = easy way for Marvel to churn out #1’s…constantly


I ordered a copy from stronghold collectibles. Never used them but hope it works out. I just wanted a copy for my personal collection since I love Saowee stuff