FOC Mega Topic

I don’t see how they can fulfull orders at this price

I don’t follow Action Comics. Does anyone know who this is on the B cover for 1056?

Is it Lois?!

Ya, was going to ask this also. Is she a current character or possibly the one mentioned in the solicitation?

A shocking new character makes their debut as the thrill-packed “Speeding Bullets” concludes!

“A shocking new character makes their debut… Lois and the staff of the Daily Planet set out to uncover the mysterious leader and shocking origin of the leader of Blue Earth!”

MCS has the Amazing Spider-Man #300 for preorder.

Well, that’s what I’m wondering. I’m drafting up my FOC write up…normally I would not care much for a new character in Action, however 1st app + cover checks enough boxes to warrant a mention.

Typically characters showing up on B covers are just random art not necessarily connected to the story…just extra art from popular artists, if you will. So this one has me scratching my head.


It says orders due by July 9th. Are you saying it’s on Thai week’s FOC? (this is an FOC thread, after all).

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I keep reading this as “Bladder Blood.”

Maybe because I took my dog to the vet yesterday because she’s been peeing blood lately…

(The think it’s just a simple bladder infection)

Liefeld should have called her “Shitstorm”…


TFAW limits it to 3 per customer FOC. The cut-off is June 5th.

Moon Knight #25

The other comic mentioned in the article.
Moon Knight City of the Dead #1 (of 5)

Tiny T- Rex arms, no feet on the cover and basically just copied shatterstars deisgn but made her a woman, NEXT SPIDER-BOY!

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limit 3 …lol.

preordered alot last week from TFAW

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I am not saying that at all. I saw that someone posted a link to it in this very thread, and thought that I would mention it.

Really? What do you see in this character? Here’s what I see:

  1. It’s a moon knight character…I should just stop right there, but I’ll pile on some more…

  2. The character has been hyped for months, along with the two books and cover appearance.

  3. There are already store exclusives, incentives, etc driving up demand/print runs artificially.

  4. Her first appearance and first cover are different books, adding to the confusion of which book should be the “real” key…and I use “real key” very loosely. You just know it’s going to turn into a “1st app in cameo vs. 2nd-is-a-full-app plus cover” argument…

  5. Did I mention she’s a moon knight character?

The only thing maybe going for this is that despite the hype many will be discouraged by the higher price tags of issue 25…an already low print run book…so I guess there’s that? :man_shrugging:

I’m grabbing the Werewolf BK negative space and her first cover (both open order). So I won’t miss out, but 2nd prints might be the way to go here…


Im ordering both books. MK 25 and City of the Dead 1.

I dont worry about print runs. Its all about demand. Long term…

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Buy some of 25a and some of the mini #1 with her on the cvr. Problem solved

Yeah, I don’t think I’ll live long enough for this one to pan out for

Although I keep saying my plan is to live forever…

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