FOC Mega Topic

It’s either Robbie Robertson, Rick Jones, Madam Masque or Luke Cage

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there are 1 -2 (maybe 3) venom people care about peter eddie and maybe flash (if they did something with him)

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Based on the body type and color, I am going to guess a Luke Cage. Venom doesn’t appear female.

They just need to have the Venom symbiote rebond with Eddie and time to move on. There are so many that have become Venom, it is not quite working out as well with this latest run.


It’s killing me. I want less cosmic and more down to earth fights.


I haven’t read a Venom story since ASM 316

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so the marvel way none of the above
and its danny rand

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Bit of an homage.

MULTIVERSUS COLLISION DETECTION #1 anyone know if this is coming with digital codes ?

I’m not going to put too much stock into this, after all it’s written by the guy that gave us Batman and Catwoman’s “wedding”. Something to keep on the watchlist

didnt he get married and died already ?

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Yes but I think those were alternate universe type stories. This takes place in the main continuity.

Do people under the age of 80 even care about Archie? Honest question. To me, Archie is something from a bygone era.

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atm no not really, i figure it only a matter of time before another tv show or movie is made tho

Archies are still be sold in supermarkets and bookstores which is more than than we can say about the comics we’re reading. Bikini and innuendo covers still command a premium. I’ve had success picking these up and selling them for big profits. Just need to expand our speculation horizon a little bit, there are all kinds of niche collectors.

I had these and sold them for some fat profits. Picked them up for $2 each. They were in great shape and I would’ve sent them in to CGC if they weren’t having so many problems and scandals the last few years. This latest one with the warped inner wells is a deal breaker for me because it’s actually damaging people’s comics and 9.8s that people are sending in are getting a color breaking crease. This was sent in from Palm Beach presser in the CGC forums, Palm Beach is one of the most respected pressers out there and he’s done a lot of interviews on various youtube channels. Needless to say he’s not happy and it could damage his reputation if his customers think that he’s responsible for the shoddy job. He made a post on it in the CGC forums.

Oh well, some Archie collector is going to be really happy with the raw nice and mint copies that I sent them.

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Hey, it’s the new 9.8. Matt Nelson even said a 9.8 could have TWO stress marks. :crazy_face:

6:15 mark of the video below.

I got 9.4s with ticks up and down the spine…

But this is a little off the FOC topic…so if we want to continue talking CGC I’ll move it over to the appropriate thread.



looks recycled


Not at all…totally original in every way…

Pay no attention to the picture below…

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